serous cell是什么意思 serous cell在线中文翻译

serous cell

serous cell 双语例句

  1. Although this may be a high grade adenocarcinoma of mullerian origin, such as endometrioid, papillary serous, or clear cell type However, I do not see very classic papillary serous or clear cell features.
  2. Acinic cell adenocarcinoma is a malignant tumor that shows differentiation toward serous acinar cells.
  3. A case report of alveolar cell carcinoma with large amount of serous forthy sputum.
  4. Results: NGF and TrkA were mainly distributed in intercalated duct, striated duct, excretory duct cells in salivary gland tissues around neoplasm, proven by pale brown positive response in cell membrane and plasm. p75 was not only found in duct epithelial cells in salivary gland tissues around neoplasm, but also apparently in serous acinus plasm.
  5. Histological type: of the 25 cases, 14 were endometrioid carcinomas, 2 were clear cell carcinomas, 2 were adenoacanthoma, 1 was serous papillary adenocarcinomas, 6 were mixed epithelium tumor of ovary.
    病理类型为子宫内膜样癌14例,透明细胞癌 2例,腺棘癌 2例,浆液性腺癌 1例,混合性卵巢上皮性癌 6例,镜下均可见良性的异位子宫内膜向恶性移行的证据。
  6. Objective To study the application of dropsy of serous cavity in examination of tumor cell.
    目的 探讨浆膜腔积液在检测肿瘤细胞中的价值。
  7. Results There were significant differences between MDS and CAA in Hb, red cell distribution width-coefficient variation, immature reticulocyte fraction, BPC, the ratio of G1 (the sum percentage of myeloblast and premyelocyte) to G2 (the sum percentage of neutrophilic myelocyte and metamy-elocyte), the ratio of E1 (the sum percentage of proerythroblast and early erythroblast) to E2 (the sum percentage of intermediate erythroblast and late erythroblast), megakaryocyte count, erythroblast PAS, neutrophil alkaline phosphatase, and serous levels of indirect bilirubin, lactose dehydrogenase, folic acid, VitBl2 and ferritin.
    结果 MDS患者血红蛋白,红细胞体积分布宽度。变异系数、未成熟网织细胞比率、血小板计数、骨髓原始细胞及早幼粒细胞之和与中性中幼粒细胞及中性晚幼粒细胞之和的比值、原始红细胞及早幼红细胞之和与中幼红细胞及晚幼红细胞之和的比值、巨核细胞计数、有核红细胞糖原染色阳性率和阳性指数、中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色阳性率和阳性指数、血清间接胆红素、乳酸脱氢酶、尿酸、叶酸、维生素B12(VitB12)、铁蛋白水平等常规实验室指标与CAA患者比较差异有统计学意义。
  8. Objective: Our purpose was to examine and analyze the malignatn cell of serous cavity effusion.
  9. Results Among 6 primary carcinomas there were 4 cases of serous papillary carcinomas, 1 case of endometrioid carcinoma and 1 case of transitional cell carcinoma.
    结果 诊断腹膜原发浆液性乳头状癌4例,腹膜原发的宫内膜样癌及移行细胞癌各1例。
  10. Many clear cell carcinomas show papillary growth; however, the cores of their often bulbous papillae are often hyalinized or myxoid rather than fibrovascular seen in papillary serous carcinoma.
  11. Results: The parotid gland of SD rat is solely composed of serous gland, while beagle dog has mixed gland major in serous acini and contains small mucous cell group.
  12. Muco- sac epithelium was psecudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium which consisted of ciliated columnar cells, secretory cells, and basilar cell, and lamina propria was loose connective tissues with serous gland in the oviduct isthmus.
  13. SHC transplantation lowered the levels of serous ALT and AST and significantly improved the degree of injury of pathological section. Under fluorescence microscope, hepatic cell which came from the SHCs constructing hepatic plate were observed.
  14. ResultsThe average age was 52 years (44~62 years).Twenty-seven cases (90%) with serous papillary cystadeno carcinoma and 3 (10%) with mucinous cystadeno carcinoma. All the patients received tumor-cell surgical debulking, 27 (90%) optimal debulked patients survived an average period of 30 months, while others only 18 months. Moreover, average survival period of the patients with 6 more courses of chemotherapy reached 29 months compared to 12 months for the patients with less than 6 courses.
  15. The glands were composed of serous, mucous and mixed glands, and had ducts open into the lumina of eustachian tube. Conclusion The epithelial cell sorts of the eustachian tube and the location of the gland revealed their integrity in killing pathogenic microorganism, to keep the germ free condition of middle ear cavity.
  16. Dexamethasone treatment group, the hearts showed cardiac musclewaxy necrosis, bubble apomorphosis, the livers showed a large area of cellularnecrosis, the spleens showed hemorrhagic infarct, the lungs showed hemorrhage andhyperemia, serous fluid exudation, the kidneys showed granular degeneration, thecerebrum showed nerve cell swelling.
  17. Conclusion It is important for establishing the identification standard for the mesothelial cell and the macrophage and strengthening the quality control for the body fluid cells to analyze the computer parameters of the serous cavity cells.
  18. Results: Of 20 cases of primary malignant ovarian neoplasms, there were 11 cases of serous cystadenocarcinoma, 1 borderline serous cystadenoma, 2 mucous cystadenocarcinoma, 2 borderline mucous cystadenoma, 2 granulous cell tumor and 2 malignant teratoma.
  19. Serous fluid and flat epithelial cell existed mainly in retention cyst.
  20. Pancreas is among dodecadactylon, stomach and transverse colon, a irregular ribbon, exocrine portion is composed of serous gland cells, gland cell displays cone.

serous cell

serous cell


prison: 指触犯刑律的人被关押的地方,通常指判决后的罪犯居留地。
cell: 指单人牢房或几个人合住的小牢房。
jail: (英国英语拼写为gaol)指收犯轻罪的人或未经判决的人的处所。