second thought period是什么意思 second thought period在线中文翻译

second thought period

second thought period 双语例句

  1. The author thought that the basic unit of the Laozi of Chujian should be the writing mustered between the Moding. And there was a period of time difference among the first edition, second edition and third edition of Laozi of Chujian, its interior groups, and the writing mustered in every group.
  2. I thought, will actively requirements in June this year, during the period of school graduate student, outstanding graduates, after the country pursues, second-class scholarship once, twice scholarship once, and trapped scholarship to show their talent to the many honors, isn't me to show off, but just want to prove my ability, I like from the most basic level, can accumulate more experiences, know more information, you can give me a chance to live their dreams, I wish to add to your company's development of force.
  3. If this view is right, it has three painful implications: first, properly measured fiscal policy was far looser than was thought during much of Gordon Brown's period as chancellor; second, it is likely that the UK will suffer not only from a permanent loss of output, but also a permanent decline in the trend rate of economic growth; and, third, a huge fiscal tightening cannot be avoided.
  4. Then there may be visioned by such a body, as may be called with the second sight, or with a vision, that accompanying thought body of such an one, manifesting in much the way and manner as individuals in the Atlantean period of psychic and occult development brought about in their experience.
  5. Second part expounded the custom and law thought from Qin Dynasty to the middle period of XiHan.
  6. The first stage is the classical economics former liberal economic thinking; The second phase of classical economics period free economy thinking; The third stage is the new classical economics period of liberalism economy thinking; The fourth stage is the neo-liberal economic thought.
  7. In the new historic period, the leaders of the second generation, headed by Deng Xiaoping, formed the unique style of strategic thought about defending coastal waters, which aimed at establishing a well trained navy with modern fighting capability.

second thought period

second thought period


times: 侧重某一特定时期。
epoch: 正式用词,侧重指以某重大事件或巨大变化为起点的新的历史时期。
age: 常指具有显著特征或以某杰出人物命名的历史时代或时期。
era: 书面语用词,指历史上的纪元、年代,可与epoch和age互换,侧重时期的延续性和整个历程。
period: 最普通用词,概念广泛,时间长短不限,既可指任何一个历史时期,又可指个人或自然界的一个发展阶段。

conception: 通常指个人或一些人所持有的具体概念或念头,也可指概念的形成过程,含一定的想象和感情色彩意味。
concept: 指从众多实例中通过概括、归纳而形成的对事物本质、全貌及其内部联系的概念或看法。
idea: 最普通常用词,几乎适用于任何方面的思维活动。
notion: 指的是一种模糊的,变化的莫测的想法,无可靠的基础,未经深思熟虑的观点。
impression: 指外部刺激在思想中所产生的印象。
thought: 指以推理、思考等智力活动为基础的心理思维活动及其结果。