scan input是什么意思 scan input在线中文翻译

scan input

scan input 双语例句

  1. These include the binary decision methods 51 which reduce scan time dependence to the number of input and state variables.
  2. An input trigger can be used to close an individual channel or to initiate a scan of several channels.
  3. The frequency of the scan oscillator is determined by an external capacitor between VSS or VDD and scan input.
  4. Therefore, if the input is a pulse signal, then the pulse width must be greater than one scan cycle, in order to ensure that in any case, this input can be read into.
  5. Ms. Gardner is using her home computer to input recipes, scan in photos, and design a black-and-white photo collage for the cover.
  6. Abstract] objective the significance and reason of multi-lines of interlobar fissure revealing on mip reconstruction imaging in multi-row ct scanning was approached. methods general data:sixty-six normal subjects selected from ct examination were taken into axial mip reconstruction. there were 39 males and 27 females, average age was 30.5 (from 16 to 76).checking method:ge lightspeed vct, scan parameter:120 kv, 89~301 ma, rotation speed 0.6 s/r, table moving 55 mm/r, pitch 1.375, slice thickness 1.25 mm. window width 1000 hu and window level -700 hu were applied. then the images of slice of 1.25 mm were input into the list of mutil-plannar reformation in the workstation, the edition of aw 4.3.the thickness of mip reconstruction was 6.2 mm. results the pulmonary fissure was becoming more lines while slice thickness of axial mip reconstruction from 1.2 mm increased gradually. interlobar fissure showed five clear lines when the slice thickness of mip became 6.2 mm, resembling staff sign. wide line type and fine line type can be divided according to the shape of interlobar fissures on mip. conclusion there would be some help that the staff-like sign discriminate accessory fissure from other lines in the lung.
    目的 探讨叶间裂在多排螺旋ct扫描 mip重建图像上展现呈多根线条状影的形成原因及意义。方法从110例胸部ct扫描报告正常者中,挑选健康体检者或临床无咳嗽等呼吸道症状,因外伤、胸痛、身体不适等66例做轴位mip重建。检查方法:ge lightspeed vct,扫描参数:120 kv,89~301 ma,旋转速度0.6 s/r,床移动55 mm/r,螺距1.375,层厚1.25 mm。观察图像窗宽1000 hu,窗位-700 hu。将1.25 mm层厚图像输入工作站做多平面重建。工作站版本aw 4.3.mip重建厚度6.2 mm (或6.3 mm)。结果轴位mip重建时,层厚从1.2 mm(或1.3 mm)开始,逐步往上调节,随着层面厚度增加,叶间裂从单一线条变成多根线条。在mip厚度标识上,每点击左键一次,厚度增加一次,线条增加2条,至6.2 mm(或6.3 mm)时,叶间裂展示呈五根清晰线条,似五线谱样。根据叶间裂在mip重建图像的形态,可分为粗条型和纤细型两类。结论叶间裂五线谱样表现对鉴别副裂与肺内其他结构有一定的帮助。肺;胸膜;图像处理,计算机辅助;体层摄影术,x线计算机
  7. The scan time is constrained by the time that it takes to recompute the flow, based on changed input and state variables, and to register its effects on state and output variables.
  8. These input errors are detected as early as is theoretically possible with a left-to-right scan; thus, not only is the chance of reading and computing with bad input data substantially reduced, but the bad data can usually be quickly found.
  9. If we recognize it, we must call scan(0) to advance in the input and store a new symbol in token.
  10. In the main loop, once an input line has been read into buf, it is passed to scan, which for each call places the next input symbol into the variable token.
    2 扫描仪在主循环中,一旦输入数据被传入buf,它就会传递至scan函数,为每一处调用函数的地方提供下一个输入变量标志。
  11. According to this problem, this paper proposes a novel approach to test generation for scan circuits that eliminates the distinction between scan operations and application of input vectors by taking the scan-in, scan-sel and scan-out as common input and output. The fault effect can be observed on the output of both scan operation cycle functional time cycle. This leads to very aggressive compaction on test application time cost under the same fault coverage.
  12. An integrated circuit with a test interface contains a boundary scan chain with cells (14) coupled between a test data input and output in a shift register structure.
  13. More generally, scanf is designed for relatively structured, formatted input (its name is in fact derived from ``scan formatted'').
    更一般地讲,scanf 的设计使用于相对结构化的,格式整齐的输入。设计上,它的名称就是来自于 ``scan formatted。
  14. Meterial and Methods: MSCT-VEVC scan of bony vertebral canal was performed in 36 normal individuals including cervical canal (n=14), thoracic canal (n=8), lumbar canal (n=12), sacrum canal (n=2) and 28 patients with lesions on vertebral canal, after completion of scan, the source data were performed thin slice reconstruction and then input into CT 3D work station and processed with Fly-through software.
    材料与方法:对36例正常人的椎管(颈段椎管14例、胸段椎管8例、腰段椎管12例,骶段椎管2例)和28例病变椎管脊椎行多层螺旋CT扫描,扫描结束后行薄层重建,将图像传入CT 3D工作站,用Fly-Through软件作仿真内镜处理,并就CTV-EVC图像与CT轴位、多平面成像、表面遮盖法成像、容积成像图像进行比较。
  15. Methods There were 36 cases in group of Wrist joint injures. All cases were performed in volume scan with SCT, then performed in thin slice low and high contrast image reconstructions. After that, all the source images were input into CT 3D work station. Wrist joints were imaged by post process software such as Multiplanar reconstructions, Maximum intensity projection, and surface shade display. All the pictures were observed and analyzed by two radiologists.
    对36例腕关节进行CT容积扫描,层厚13mm,层距13mm将所有原始图像进行低对比及高对比薄层重建,然后将重建图像分别导入CT 3D工作站,利用后处理软件MPR、MIP及SSD分别对腕关节进行成像,由两位CT诊断医生一起对各种后处理图像进行观察和分析。
  16. The inputs are configurable either as 64 single-ended channels or as 32 differential channels, and the input range can be software selectable as ±10V, ±5V or ±2.5V. Scan rates can be controlled from either an internal rate generator, through an external digital input, or by direct software commands. Multiple PMC-12AI64 boards can be connected together for synchronous scanning. Data buffering is accomplished through a 64K sample FIFO. Internal auto calibration networks permit calibration to be performed without removing the board from the system.
    输入可以配置64的单端通道或32的差分通道,输入通过软件选择±10V,±5V和±2.5V,扫描比率控制由一个内建的比率生成器,通过外部的数据输入或通过软件命令控制,多块 PMC-16AI64板卡能连接起来进行同步扫描,一个 64K 的采样 FIFO 缓冲器提供最大的数据输入,内在的网络自动校准。
  17. The inputs are configurable either as 64 single-ended channels or as 32 differential channels, and the input range can be software selectable as ±10V, ±5V or ±2.5V. Scan rates can be controlled from either an internal rate generator, through an external digital input, or by direct software commands. Multiple PMC-16AI64 boards can be connected together for synchronous scanning. A 64K-sample FIFO provides maximum buffering of input data. Internal auto calibration networks permit calibration to be performed without removing the board from the system.
    输入可以配置64的单端通道或32的差分通道,输入通过软件选择±10V,±5V 和±2.5V ,扫描比率控制由一个内建的比率生成器,通过外部的数据输入或通过软件命令控制,多块 PMC-16AI64板卡能连接起来进行同步扫描,一个64K的采样FIFO缓冲器提供最大的数据输入,内在的网络自动校准。
  18. This is a routine board TMS320VC5509A study and description, which contains many examples, including the CPU watchdog experiment, LED Marquee experiment, CPU TIMER timer experiment, the experimental realtime clock, AD conversion experiments, ADDR to GPIO test, bee Test alarms, GPIO test, digital display test SDRAM read and write the expansion of the experiment, SPI EEPROM read and write experiments, FFT experiment, FIR filter experiment, IIR filter experiment, adaptive filter experiments, the keyboard scan experiments, external interrupt input experiment, AIC23 audio experiment shows that the Pilot 1602, 12864 showed that experiments show that 240, 128 experiments, USB2.0 communication experiments 22 experiments TMS320VC5509Abased development board, the development board are all inside the routine for beginners learning scholars 5509 and development.
    这是一款TMS320VC5509A学习板例程及说明,里面包含很多例子,包括CPU看门狗实验、LED跑马灯实验、CPU TIMER定时器实验、实时时钟实验、AD转换实验、ADDR转为GPIO试验、蜂鸣器试验、GPIO试验、数码管显示试验、扩展SDRAM读写实验、SPI EEPROM读写实验、FFT实验、FIR滤波器实验、IIR滤波器实验、自适应滤波器实验、键盘扫描实验、外部中断输入实验、AIC23播音实验、1602显示试验、12864显示实验、240128显示实验、USB2.0通信实验等22个实验,基于TMS320VC5509A开发板,本开发板所有的例程都在里面,便于初学5509的学者学习和开发。
  19. Many magazines and some scanning software interface still uses the DPI to describe scan or enter a resolution, whereas it's technically, every inch is used to describe the resolution of the input device, such as ink-jet printers, laser imager and PostSeript laser printer resolution.
  20. The tapered thread is put into a parallel light field created by lens to project thread shape on CCD, the CCD will scan along longitudinal direction to collect the whole thread shadow and input it into a computer when the thread is adjusted to create correct projection.

scan input

scan input


devor: 指贪婪地读,暗含对某些作者或作品迷恋之义。
read: 最普通用词,含义广泛。既指朗读又可指默读。
scan: 指快速扫视文章等以抓住其要旨。
skim: 指略读或浏览。

examine: 最普通用词,可指粗略地查看,也可指仔细观察或调查以确定事物的性质、功能、特点等。
scan: 原义是仔细地检查分析,现用于指细看或浏览。
inspect: 侧重按一定质量标准检查某物,找出不足或不同之处。
investigate: 指为发现事实真相或了解掌握情况而进行深入细致的现场考察。