sand spit是什么意思 sand spit在线中文翻译

sand spit

sand spit 双语例句

  1. Be careful with the scissors cut the stomach, intestines removed, cleaning spit tail and back I sand mixed with dust, encoder.
  2. For, coming through the narrows, we had to lie very near the southern point, and there we saw all three of them kneeling together on a spit of sand, with their arms raised in supplication.
  3. For, coming through the narrows, we had to lie very near the southern point, there we saw all three of them kneeling together on a spit of sand, with their arms raised in supplication.
    船通过海峡时,我们 sSBbWw 曾离南面的岬岛非常近;我们 sSBbWw 看到他们三个人一起跪在那里的沙尖嘴上,举起双手做哀求状。
  4. About a hundred yards away on a small sand spit there was the occasional sharp in effectual pop of a carbine.
  5. Daniil found the bottle while out walking near the village of Morskoye on the Curonian Spit, a100-km (60-mile) stretch of sand shared between Russia and Lithuania.
  6. Remote sensing information topological pattern research on recent evolution of sand spit of the Huanghe River's mouth
  7. Because of the decrease of the amount of sand sources in YR since it changed its course at Qing 8 in 1996, the new spit of the river mouth started to have the characteristic of frequent alternated between erode and silt.
  8. At present, the latest sand spit is developing on the shoal northwest of Diaolongzui.

sand spit

un. 沙岬;砂岬
[网络] 沙嘴;沙咀;喷砂嘴
sand spit