sampled population是什么意思 sampled population在线中文翻译

sampled population

sampled population 双语例句

  1. The population of Liposcelis entomophila in stored wheat in horizontal storage during temperature ascending was monitored in two ways of hand sieve sampled wheat and probe trapping. The results indicated that the number of psocids increased with grain temperature moving up.
    在平房仓散装小麦堆中温升期间采用取样手工筛检和探管式诱捕器诱集的方法,定点检测观察了嗜虫书虱Liposcelis entomophila的种群发生动态情况。
  2. The paper studied the model optimization of relationship between Siniperca chuatsi health index and seventeen aquatic ecological factors of Siniperca chuatsi culturing pond. The ecological factors involved pH value, ammonia nitrogen content, nitrate content, CO2 content, Mg2+ content, total alkalinity and general bacterial population, et al. Sampled water with plexiglass water sampler every two weeks between 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. Siniperca chuatsi health examination was done at the same time as water sampling.
    在16口鳜养殖塘进行试验(总面积为4.7 hm2),每两周采样一次,获取鳜健康指标和pH、铵氮、硝酸盐氮、二氧化碳、总碱度、镁和细菌总数等17项水生态因子的87组监测数据,并对数据进行数理统计,研究探讨用权重因子、偏回归平方和、F检验值和相关系数等统计量优化进入鳜健康模型的因子。
  3. Methods A total sampled population of 3308 from 35 selected spots in Eryuan County by random sampling were investigated.
  4. Future studies should perform subgroup analysis according to the type of population sampled and subtrochanteric fracture type.
  5. They sampled the population to find out the state of public opinion.
  6. Population genetic structure of Coilia ectenes sampled from Yangtze River estuary revealed by RAPD-PCR and ISSR-PCR markers
  7. ISSR Analysis on Gene Flow of The Helicoverpa Armigera Hubner Population Sampled From Different Region of China
  8. A hospital-sampled newborn infant cord blood DNA bank was collected to measure the homogeneity comparing with China and northern China population by distribution of native place and surname.
  9. A case study was conducted on 10 qualitative and 15 quantitative traits of 2262 rice accessions collected and investigated by the Rice Ecology Research Lab of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the South China Agricultural College and the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences; adjusted Euclidean distance and the Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean were used in classification of population; 8 nested core subsets were sampled by stepwise clustering with preferred sampling strategy, for evaluating the proposed method.
  10. The population structure of Cryphonectria parasitica was analyzed using the isozymes polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 115 isolates were sampled from 7 populations Genetic similarity analysis showed that 4 populations in China were similar among themselves;

sampled population 单语例句

  1. The population estimate is extrapolated from the percentage of people infected among those sampled in different groups.

sampled population

sampled population


people: 具体的人 China has a large population.
population: 人口,人数,