root kill是什么意思 root kill在线中文翻译

root kill

root kill 双语例句

  1. We should kill the root before it's getting worse.
  2. In the simplest sense, files make way for irrigants to flush debris from the root canal system and to kill bacteria.
  3. Also like ackee, it can have undesirable consequences if not washed and prepared properly; the root vegetable contains enough cyanide to kill.
  4. The results showed that the apolar fraction of the root exudates from the highly resistant cultivars could kill the pathogen. Those of the general resistant cultivars could inhibit the spore germination and hyphal growth, while the sensitive cultivars couldn`t.
  5. Mo: Supposing that you don`t kill him, youcrazy. Root out all enemies and leave no worry!
  6. Mo: Supposing that you don`t kill him, you will be pestered by him all your life and that will make you crazy. Root out all enemies and leave no worry!
  7. The part servicing product of blain skin, which contains the Alps active springs, hamamelis extracts and salicylic acid, can kill propionibacterium acnes from the root, dry blains quickly, lessen pockmark and improve the pigmentation.
  8. Now, if you are root, you can exercise your godlike powers and kill processes
  9. The function of root canal disinfection is to control or kill the remaining bacteria in the root canal, relieve pain, control exudation and induce apical part of a root to complete development.
  10. As the nematicide used in entry-exit plant roots treatment, the solution'Root velamen nematicide'1 ∶ 2 can efficiently kill the parasitic nematodes, it is also meet the plant quarantine requirement of treatment for plant seedling and Penjing.
  11. 3.0.1% Propolis and 0.4% propolis and calcium hydroxide all could improve clinical symptom of patients with chronic apical parodontitis. The results from bacteria culture and test under microscope of film preparation indicated they can kill bacteria in infectious root canals.
  12. If we can remind each other not to kill animals, then of course how could we kill human beings, and war will eliminate itself from the root.
  13. The result of experiment on different chemical control shows the best chemicals for cootrol Eriosoma lanigerum in the part trees above ground is 40%omethoate adding 1‰ washing powder (the ratio is 1:800). Applying 0.25 kg fortified benzene to the root of each tree can kill Eriosoma lanigerum in the root. In the past three years, chemical control as first, complementary with the measures of integrated control and quarantine techniques, the percentage of suffered trees in Malus pumila garden of 40.8 hm2 in Yimen County has decreased from 48.5%to 2.65%.
  14. Or you can run svc-t/service/cruisecontrol as the root user to have daemontools kill the process for you.

root kill

root kill


massacre: 语气比slaughter强。指大屠杀,尤指屠杀失去了自卫能力的人。
execute: 指依法处死罪犯。
murder: 指谋杀或凶杀。
slaughter: 本义指大批宰杀动物,也指像屠宰牲畜一样一次杀死许多人。
assassinate: 通常指因政治原因用非法手段杀害政治领袖人物或短名人士。
kill: 普通用词,含义广泛,泛指以任何方式使人、动物或植物死亡。

source: 本义指某地系河流或瀑布的源头,引申指某事的来源出处,但更多指抽象事物的根源或来源。
root: 通常指事物产生的原因或根源。
origin: 侧重指事物的起源或由来,也指人的出身。