rolling section是什么意思 rolling section在线中文翻译

rolling section

rolling section 双语例句

  1. Roll pass on angle steel rolling, I-beam rolling and U-section, etc. were intensively studied.
    他对角钢孔型轧制的,工字钢轧制和U -型钢轧制等剧做过深入研究。
  2. The experimental research was mainly carried out in a rolling test facility at atmospheric pressure and temperature, and the test section was glass tube, through which the air and water co-current flow and form different flow patterns.
  3. But the research on cold ring rolling of irregular section ring is relatively backward, there are many technical problems during production process.
  4. Based on finite element simulation and experiment, the research of residual stress was put forward for the first time. It obtained the variation laws of residual stress in the process of cold rolling deep ball groove section bear race.
  5. The production situation, including selection of pass schedule, characteristic of pass design, trial rolling process as well as whole process, of having applying the technique of producing 270mm seamless tube blank on 550 medium section mill is introduced and summarized in the paper.
    介绍了Φ550mm 中型轧机上采用Φ270mm 圆管坯轧制圆钢的生产情况,包括孔型系统的选择,孔型设计的特点,试轧情况及对试制过程进行了概括总结。
  6. It is put forward that the optimum design for section steel rolling is fundamental method to prevent technical failure.
  7. Add lubricating oil to the bearing of top framework block, the bearing of motion block of hang coop, rolling wheel axle of lift framework, block of hang shaft, the turning axle of safety institute, slid of rope-break safety institute, end of standard section etc.顶架滑轮轴承,吊笼动滑轮轴承,提升架滚轮轴,吊杆滑轮,停层安全机构转轴,断绳安全机构滑道,标准节端部等润滑点按润滑周期表的要求定期加油。
  8. According to the actual working conditions of the vertical cold ring rolling machine with single following guide roller, the kinematical models of cold rolling rectangular cross-section ring and ball ring were established respectively, the diameter variation rules of both rings were analyzed and the guide roller motion rule under certain rolling condition was researched.
  9. According to the actual working conditions of the vertical cold ring rolling machine with single following guide roller, the kinematical models of cold rolling rectangular cross-section ring and ball ring were established respectively, the diameter variation rules of both ring s were analyzed and the guide roller motion rule under certain rolling condition was researched.
  10. Even though, it seemed little difficult after this first stage, when engine dumped while Road Runner was rolling down one section of the course.
  11. The bracket's sliding plate used as the rolling mill's spindle in the light-medium section workshop of the Bar Plant was transformed three times after its imported sliding plate lost efficacy, but not showing satisfactory effect.
  12. The changing law of residual stress in cold ring rolling was obtained by comparing the results, which provided the base for controlling residual stress and dimension accuracy when rolling groove ball section ring.
  13. Tensile specimens 44.5-mm long with a reduced gage section of 20.3 x1.52 x 0.76 mm3 were machined from the tempered plate with gage lengths parallel to the rolling direction.
    拉伸试样44.5毫米长,以减少轨段20.3 x1.52 × 0.76 mm3和被加工的锻炼板片的长度,平行于轧制方向。
  14. It is widely employed in many industrial domains. The most attractive domain of ring rolling technology is to roll the rings with specially-shaped cross section directly. But the rolling deformation law of ring with specially-shaped cross section is more complicated compared with rectangle section ring and in the process there are lots of special phenomenon such as underfilling, shrinking-drawing, concave, saucer shape and etc.
  15. Study of the possibility of crack for the section rolling and other forming processes.
  16. 1 Rolling mill of Anyang Steel can produce large and medium angles, medium-size rounds in its section mill train by using 150×150mm billet, successfully realizes the transformation of billet specification from 120×120mm to 150×150mm.
  17. H- section steel in the Section Steel Plant, rough rolled, directly enters the finishing mill train, causing some parts in the surface pressed in by reoxidation rolling scale, influencing the appearance of the steel.
  18. Based on study of real measured data at situ, the calculated modelling of rolling stock temperature of Nb microalloyed HSLA steel during rough and finish rolling from thickness 210~250 mm slab to 3.0~8.0 mm finishing strip by 3/4 hot continuous rolling mill train including calculation to stock temperature reduction at roll table, rough rolling, finishing rolling and laminar flow cooling section has been established.
    以含铌高强度低合金钢为主要研究对象,坯料厚度2 1 0~2 5 0mm ,带坯厚度32~38mm ,成品带钢厚度3.0~8.0mm ,根据3 4连续式热连轧机轧制工艺特点,在大量现场实测数据的基础上,建立了轧制过程中轧件温度的数学模型。1 温度计算模型确定边界热流变化取决于边界的冷却条件,边界条件不同,界面的热流密度及对流换热系数的计算公式各异。
  19. The experiment was conducted in cold rolling machine D56G90, the diameter and section profile of the groove ball ring in different rolling stages were measured.
  20. Tension control of the continuous rolling, continuous section rolli

rolling section

rolling section


region: 普通用词,常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区。
area: 普通用词,指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分。
districk: 多指由政府等机构出于行政管理等目的而明确划分的地区。
belt: 从本义“带,带状物”引申而指任何广阔的长条地带,也可指种植某种作物的地区。
neighbourhood: 指比section的划定更清楚,范围更小。具体指城市中的住宅区,也可指附近一带。
zone: 科技用词,指圆形或弧形地带,尤指地图上按温度划分的五个地带。用作一般意义时,也可指具有某种特征的其它地区。
section: 普通用词,指城市、国家或天然界线形成的地区。
quarter: 指城市里具有相同性质或独特风味的地区,比section范围小,但划分更精确。

share: 指共有的东西中应占有的一部分。
fraction: 指包含在全体中的一部分,暗示微不足道的一部分。
division: 通常指按类划分或分割成而的部分。常含抽象意义。
segment: 指某物的特定部分或自然形成的部分,也指线形物品的一段。
part: 含义广,最普通用词。常指整体中可大可小的一部分,也可指整体中可分开的独立部分。
fragment: 指因破裂、分割等产生的支离破碎、不规则的一部分。
section: 指整体中的分区,部分与部分之间有显著界限。
piece: 指整体中的一些个体,尤指从某个整体上分出来的一部分。
portion: 侧重从整体中所分配到的那一部分,含一定的独立意义。