rock cake是什么意思 rock cake在线中文翻译

rock cake

rock cake 双语例句

  1. No matter the quality of coal, the size composition and water content as well, due to the bad environment of coal production and the vibration in the process of transportation, there always has some coal and other materials left which was very easy to cake on the bottom of the mine car after unloading. If we do not clean these remaining coal and rock meal soonly, they would be heavier and solider, which would increase the weight of mine car so that decrease the effective volume of it. Then it would not only affect the transportation ability of mine car directly and make the intense condition of the transportation system, but also increase the waste of electric power, and even make substantial difficulty in starting the spacial vehicle while transporting the electrical machinery truck. So cleaning the bottom of the mine car become espectially important.
  2. A small cake with a hard surface said to resemble a rock.
  3. In many operations, the cake was squeezed into deep fracture and the rock occurred stress sensitivity damage, as a result the permeability recovery of fractured core is reduced obviously because the cake can not return easily, while the permeability recovery of bedrock is better.
  4. I can't eat this cake & it's rock hard.
  5. Suddenly, the rice cake fell out of the basin and stopped beside a big rock.
  6. Over the top of most of this rock in the world there is spread a layer of soil, like icing on a cake.

rock cake [rɔk keik]

rock cake


pebble: 多指海边、河边或沙中圆形的小卵石。
stone: 普通用词,泛指井然的或经加工的各类石头,可大可小。
rock: 普通用词,指构成地表最坚硬部分或突出于周围地面的巨大岩石,也可指石头或石块。
gravel: 集合名词,常指用于铺路的小石子和沙砾。

sway: 主要指树枝等的来回摇动。
rock: 多指猛烈地摇动或摇晃。
swing: 指有规律地前后、上下摆动,也可指不停地转动。