return to power是什么意思 return to power在线中文翻译

return to power

return to power 双语例句

  1. But some Thais are concerned about the military's return to power in a nation that has grown deeply involved in the world economy.
  2. When 16 years old, after trapping to kill the auxiliary minister, who were domineering and unwilling to return to complement policy power, he began to administer the country himself, and succeeded in achieving four military tasks for consolidating his regime.
  3. When 16 years old, after trapping to kill the auxiliary minister, who were domineering and un willing to return to complement policy power, he hegan to administer the country himself, and succeeded in achieving four military tasks for consolidating his regime.
  4. GF Securities, said the person, domestic institutions difficult to copy Buffett`s model, on the one hand, domestic institutional investors as a result of the number and size of the mature markets also difficult to achieve the level of individual investors in particular the size of the number of non-very large, far more than the sum of the power of institutional investors; On the other hand, Buffett bought the shares are continuing and substantial return, despite the short period after buying the stock itself does not make money However, cash dividends to the Buffett still handsome returns.
  5. Non-latching relay s return to a known state when power is removed or lost.
  6. Non-latching relays return to a known state when power is removed or lost. Latching relays, such as those on several Integra Model 770X cards, remain in their last position when relay drive current is removed or lost.
  7. Shogunate system started in 1192, after Kamakura shogunate (192-134), Po-cho shogunate (138-1573) and the Edo Shogunate (1603-1867), to 1867, the Edo shogunate Tokugawa Yoshinobu was forced to return power to Emperor Meiji.
  8. But his return to power has been inglorious: in a recent poll only 21% of respondents approved of him.
  9. You have shown me your intelligence; for this reason I will place in your hands these sacred stone tablets, Tiponi, symbol of power and authority over all land and life to guard, protect, and hold in trust for me until I shall return to you in a later day, for I am the First and I am the Last.
  10. Accomodating Musharraf is her only option to return to power and to assure corruption charges against her are dropped.
  11. The paper gives the examples of failures caused by rail potential and negative return current occurred in operation of Guangzhou subway, illustrates the specialty and importance of rail potential and negative return current in DC traction power supply system after the analysis of causes in detail and proposes some inspection and handling measures to typical failures in operation.
  12. Therefore girls get pregnant pretty much as soon as they can, for more man power can be put into ploughing the fields, boys on the other hand, are draft to war at young age and often never return.
  13. Now the personal use of AK close hit 3 to 5 are issued, received over the gun, of course, there are other people play a little blood on the gun has also received many, the probability is relatively low, M4 is no power play, firing rate than You fast, steady trajectory than you, back to the front sight faster than you, you have different head-to-head and killed him, and no opportunity to return to front sight, front sight is not back to point out the bullet hit all of Gone with the Wind, to fight for the FRAG, is Can not, is a head-to-head was killed first, small step in moving back to the front sight, and then the second and third.
  14. I now see the path to our glorious return to power.
    Zira 我现在看到了路去我们的光荣的返回权利。
  15. It then has to return to the power rail to complete the other leg of the circuit.
  16. In the continuous mutual understanding, the two fall in love, and eventually agreed to use the power of four the soul of the jade to Inuyasha to become human beings, guardian of the mission can be the end of Campanulaceae return to ordinary life.
  17. This movement should be quicker than the regular squat because it requires the use of muscular power to push off the floor and return to starting position.
  18. When the power expires, you return to material existence.
  19. It called on the Kuomintang to return the political power to the people, the establishment of a united and constitutional government.
  20. If the landlord return the contents of lead, or a third party, the fourth side, the first N-th power of pregnancy, I would like to tiein with the paternity test done, thank you.

return to power 单语例句

  1. Brazil and Russia expressed willingness to chip in but requested more voting power in the IMF in return.
  2. US President Barack Obama's announcement that NATO combat troops would withdraw in 2014 opened the door to a possible return to power for the Taliban.
  3. But even if a more compliant Israeli leadership should return to power, a survey of the issues on the table appear to present overwhelming challenges.
  4. The difference in the return on this 16 trillion RMB in savings would be truly significant due to the power of compounding.
  5. They all hope that he will return to power so the current structure can be maintained.
  6. The denial has dampened speculations that Putin could return to power as leader of a newly formed country.
  7. Women are expected to do everything in their power to return the man to his original family.
  8. Polls show the popularity rating of the conservative Villepin taking a beating, and the opposition Socialists have vowed to revoke the measure if they return to power.
  9. The revelation casts doubts on a quick return to Yemen and spells a deepening power vacuum.
  10. After their return, we engaged in a search for power sockets for them to plug their equipment into.

return to power

[网络] 重新掌权;再度执政;重新执政
return to power


answer: 常用词,指用书面、口头或行动对他人的请求、询问、质问等作出回答或反应。
reply: 较正式用词,较少用于口语。侧重经过考虑的较正式答复。
respond: 正式用词,指即刻的,以口头或行动对外来的号召、请求或刺激等作出回答或响应。
retort: 指对不同意见、批评或控诉作出迅速、有力的回答,即“反驳”。
return: 正式用词,从本义“归来,回去”引申作“回答、答辨”讲时,含反驳或反唇相讥之意。

response: 指对刺激的回应,也指对紧迫的或指定问题的回答
return: 回报
reply: 指对他人的陈述或问题给与回答,常与介词to搭配;

land: 常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。
state: 正式用词,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。
power: 特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。
nation: 普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。
country: 普通用词,侧重国土与人民。

might: 多指巨大或超人的力量。
strength: 指机体内部的能力,是依靠身体组织而存在的力,经使用就变为force。
power: 最普通用词,泛指一切力量或能力等。
vigour: 指由生命元气的存在所产生的活力、精力。
force: 着重指克服障碍,推动人或物朝所要求的方向运动或能产生明显效应的力量。
energy: 用于人时,指工作时焕发出的精力或干劲。

privilege: 特权
power: 力量,权力
right: 权利