reproduction of colour是什么意思 reproduction of colour在线中文翻译

reproduction of colour

reproduction of colour 双语例句

  1. Computerteaching halftoning also are clearly visible, so intermateable of color presents a subtle color reproduction, however, the seihan, the polychromatic of process design, CMYK colour is feasible, but the doctor business card printing and membership card to make a number of occasions can easily lead to wrong shadow, will render the special dvysocket edge halos.
  2. Use the Pantone 色库 set the color, select the definition method is Pantone color to, but should be noted that most of the PANTONE colors are spot colors, if you want to use the four-colour reproduction, you should set the color type.
  3. Business card printing and membership card making pressure unstable, now filled with an excessive amount of transfer and insufficient business card printing and membership card to transfer the production of colour reproduction and are unable to achieve the desired requirements, it is only in the appropriate business card printing and membership card making pressure range in order to get high-quality business card printing and membership card making products.
  4. Business card printing and membership card making products color reproduction exists insufficient basic color, on the contrary, the colour notoverload if you want to copy your business card printing and membership card product, in the base color is not lost on the basis of the level that you want to.
  5. And freightcharges, innovativeink and spreading such as graphic dot deformation, so that the middle and the darkened part of the hierarchy and level of the business card printing and membership card making products halftoning reproduction and colour, image distortion.
  6. And freightcharges, innovativeink and spreading such as graphic dot deformation, so that the middle and the darkened part of the hierarchy and level of the business card printing and membership card making Crystal halftoning reproduction and colour, image distortion.
  7. Colour balance: in process colour printing, a term to describ the grey balance and ink trapping which are of the correct value to give the required tone reproduction.
  8. C 4`s high-speed rendering of fine detail and natural colour reproduction satisfies professional demands for exceptional image quality and responsiveness in any shooting situation.
  9. In current popular cross media colorized reproduction technical process, colour gamut mapping algorithm as an important part of it is attached greater importance to colour researchers today.
  10. It is the policy of Aquaculture Nutrition for authors to pay the full cost for the reproduction of their colour artwork.
  11. Reconstructing spectral reflectance of a colour target for reproduction offers many advantages, such as high accuracy and eliminating the metamerism.

reproduction of colour

reproduction of colour


colour: 普通用词,含义笼统。可指人工的着色,也可指天然的着色。
dye: 多指使用染料改变物体的颜色,如染织品或头发等。
paint: 指为装饰等目的而把油漆或涂料等物涂于物体表面。
stain: 多指用化学或其它方法使物体着色。

model: 可指按某物式样制造、按比例缩小的模型,也可指某物未制成之前做出的模型。
facsimile: 含义与copy大体相同,但较文雅。
duplicate: 常指完全一模一样,可代替原件的复制品。
reproduction: 批按原物复制的产品,着重复制品与原物相似。
copy: 普通用词,含义广泛,指精确的或不精确的复制品。