reference azimuth是什么意思 reference azimuth在线中文翻译

reference azimuth

reference azimuth 双语例句

  1. The selection of the reference image in azimuth interval is discussed, and the influence of the alignment on template training and target classification is discussed too.
  2. This paper suggests a technique not needing track correction flight that corrects space location error and reference azimuth angle error for radars when installing them in network.
  3. The ballistic parameters are measured during the earlier stage of the booster phase. The impact deviation can be predicted based on the difference between measurements and reference trajectory. Thus the azimuth angle and action times of impulse mortars are to be determined.
  4. This paper studies on the closed-loop adaptive control strategy of heliostat. By combining the model reference adaptive control theory with heliostat tracking system, form a closed-loop adaptive heliostat tracking system to enhance the accuracy of altitude-azimuth tracking angle.
  5. There is object-image field rotation phenomena during an Alt-azimuth telescope tracking an object, namely, in the same field, other reference stars which deviates the tracked star with a certain angle rotate around the field center.

reference azimuth

reference azimuth


citation: 引用某人先前的说话
quotations: 照搬原文
reference: 参考