reductant是什么意思 reductant在线中文翻译

reductant 英 [rɪ'dʌktənt] 美 [rɪ'dʌktənt]

reductant 词典解释


reductant 网络解释

  1. 还原剂
    ...还原剂 (reductant) 系指能提供氢或供给电子的物质,可将已氧化的过氧化物予以还原,进而减缓氧化作用之进行. 因此还原剂也是众多抗氧化剂中的一种. 本实验室以国际期刊文献所发表的测试方法进行还原能力评估,...
  2. 还原性介质
    ...Piston 活塞 | Reductant 还原性介质 | Rising stem 明杆...
  3. 还原剂,试剂
    ...reducing valve 减压阀 | reductant 还原剂,试剂 | reduction 减少,降低,还原,复位...
  4. 还原性
    ...Piston活塞 | Reductant还原性 | Risingstem明杆...

reductant 英英释义

  1. a substance capable of bringing about the reduction of another substance as it itself is oxidized
    used in photography to lessen the density of a negative or print by oxidizing some of the loose silver
    Synonym: reducing agent reducer

reductant [rɪ'dʌktənt]

n. 还原剂
n a substance capable of bringing about the reduction of another substance as it itself is oxidized; used in photography to lessen the density of a negative or print by oxidizing some of the loose silver