red coat是什么意思 red coat在线中文翻译

red coat

red coat 双语例句

  1. At that period a dandy was composed of a tall collar, a big cravat, a watch with trinkets, three vests of different colors, worn one on top of the other--the red and blue inside; of a short-waisted olive coat, with a codfish tail, a double row of silver buttons set close to each other and running up to the shoulder; and a pair of trousers of a lighter shade of olive, ornamented on the two seams with an indefinite, but always uneven, number of lines, varying from one to eleven--a limit which was never exceeded.
  2. They had one of the characters in a red wig and whiskers: I was certain he was a monkey in a coat, he capered so.
  3. I like the dark red coat.
  4. It is a certainty that the red coat belongs to her.
  5. Chocolate. Deep brown coat with ears and footpads to match. Eyes are red.
  6. She`s in a red coat.
    她穿着 红套。
  7. The purposes of this experiment were to investigate the segregation of coat color in swine at vary mating types between Taoyuan and Duroc, and to understand that uniform black coat color of T was weather dominant or not to uniform red color of D, the adjusted Chi-square(χ2) test was used to determine the goodness of fit for Mendel's law of segregation.
  8. Paint the tooth flank of the big bevel gear with a thin and equal red lead coat.
  9. The DNA test for b and e allows breeders the choice of producing dogs with brown coat color, as well as the opportunity of breeding away from the cream, white, apricot or red coat color.
    在B 的 DNA测试和 e可以选择育种生产棕色毛色的狗,只要饲养的奶油,白,杏或红色以外毛色好机会。
  10. The family coat of arms was carved in stone over the door, lovely roses twined themselves over the coat of arms and over the balcony, and a beautiful lawn stretched outbefore the house: there were red thorns and white thorns, and rare flowers even outside of the hot-house.
  11. I have a red gabardine coat.
  12. I have a red gaberdine coat.
  13. An Irish breed with a chestnut-brown or mahogany-red coat.
  14. I He did not come in the dawning; he did not come at noon; And out o'the tawny sunset, before the rise o'the moon, When the road was a gypsy's ribbon, looping the purple moor, A red-coat troop came marching— Marching—marching— King George's men came matching, up to the old inn-door.
  15. A small Eurasian deer having a yellowish-red coat spotted with white in summer and broad, flattened antlers in the male.
  16. 49 My raincoat is the red one on the coat rack.
  17. I wore a red coat, flesh is red, which harbors the same as the sesame seeds.
  18. The Frogman's usual costume consisted of knee- breeches made of yellow satin plush, with trimmings of gold braid and jeweled knee-buckles; a white satin vest with silver buttons in which were set solitaire rubies; a swallow-tailed coat of bright yellow; green stockings and red leather shoes turned up at the toes and having diamond buckles.
  19. Because often wear the phenomenon of inflammation of skin of one seed coat that use slipper and produces, slipper dermatitis is, red or rufous spot produce in double foot instep and the place that slipper contacts, appearance and the figure that pull vamp agree basically, exterior cutaneous grain is deepened, often some take off bits.
  20. It can't be my coat. Mine is red.

red coat 单语例句

  1. Temples and some houses have added a fresh coat of red paint to their roofs and walls.
  2. He quickly swapped the sports coat for a red jacket featuring his MP logo in golden thread.
  3. The audience erupts into applause when she steps onstage, clad in a traditional red coat.
  4. Suffice it to say it's not Santa Claus with his red coat and red trousers.
  5. So I used a bottle of red polish to coat the underside of the shoe scarlet.

red coat [ˈredˌkəʊt]

na. 〈口〉【英史】英国兵
[网络] 红外套;红色外套;英国的红衣军
red coat


uniform: 指某团体或组织统一做的制服,如军服、校服等。
clothing: 常用词,集合名词,是衣服的总称。
clothes: 普通用词,多指包括上衣、内衣或裤子等具体的一件件衣服。
dress: 多指正式场合或为某些特定用途而穿的服装,也指童装或女性穿的连衣裙。
garment: 语气庄重,正式用词,复数形式可与clothes换用,指身上全部穿着。单数形式指单件衣服,尤指长袍、外套等外面的衣服。
suit: 指一套服装,一般有几件配成一套的套装。
costume: 指流行某一地区或某一时代的服装,也指演员的戏装。
gown: 指女人穿的长服,尤指教士、法官、教授等的礼服或妇女的睡衣等,也指长袍。
robe: 指长袍,也指浴衣、晨衣。
coat: 指上衣、外衣、大衣、外套及女式上装。