recursive arithmetic是什么意思 recursive arithmetic在线中文翻译

recursive arithmetic

recursive arithmetic 双语例句

  1. Recursive integral proportional integral was adopted in this model to eliminate steady error; fuzzy arithmetic was used to adjust the coefficients of RIPI online for improving the dynamic performance. Single frequency harmonic current detection with phase angle compensation can eliminate time delay effect and improve the control precision and stability of the system.
    文章把比例积分(proportional integral,PI)控制算法运用于这一控制当中,以使系统稳态无静差;为改善系统的动态性能,用模糊算法对PI控制的系数进行在线调整;为提高系统的控制精度和稳定性,用选择谐波分次预补偿相位的方法来进行谐波检测,实现对系统延时的分频率补偿,提高系统的控制精度和稳定性。
  2. As a key stage in planning and designing the drainage system, the caculation of pipe-net is very critical and time-consuming. This paper brings forward the recursive arithmetic for pipe-net and pipeline designed-discharge. Meanwhile, we give an example, Zhen-an region in Foshan city of Guangdong province, to illustrate it.
  3. A decline in the use of recursive analysis method, the value of arithmetic expressions is a very worthwhile reference to...
  4. Data Fusion of Passive Radar Seeker Based on Arithmetic Equalizing Value and Recursive Estimate
  5. Using Hanoi tower question as an example, this paper studies slow operation of the recursive arithmetic and introduces a recursive arithmetic based on array. As shown by the tests, the recursive arithmetic helps to realize the fastest computational speed of procedure.
  6. The Application of Recursive Relation in the Arithmetic Analysis
  7. There are many methods to settle eight queens problem with different programming languages and arithmetics so far. This paper uses recursive arithmetic and Scheme language which belongs to the functional language to solve eight queens problem.
  8. Then, using recursive arithmetic calculated reliability indices for directory tree, the method was realized by VB program; This paper presents the application of interval arithmetic in evaluating reliability uncertainty in distribution systems.
  9. A new kind of information modeling method is supported with component and container technology of JDMK/MBean, and information model's data storage and its information search are optimized by the means of virtual and actual managed object, active object and non-recursive search arithmetic.
  10. The contribution rate of weight and key neural node arithmetic are used to analyze weights and improve models, and scale factor and displacement factor are studied by the predicting error method with an excellent recursive character excellent, besides, an improved arithmetic of network is given.
  11. The proposed parallel algorithm of multidimensional recursive digital filtering does not cause any additional arithmetic operations, compared with the conventional sequential filter algorithm.

recursive arithmetic

recursive arithmetic