ranged space是什么意思 ranged space在线中文翻译

ranged space

ranged space 双语例句

  1. The body length has great individual diversity normally ranged from 25-60 cm, It also shows strong phototaxy. One lamp can trap more than 2000 of them per night. Female imago has a large egg load with the maximum amount of 543. The eggs hatching is in depth of 1-3 cm soil. The dominant hatching period of egg is from late June to early July, and hatchability is over 85%. The living space of larva ranges from 15-60 cm in soil.
    成虫个体差异大,体长25~63 cm;趋光性强,1个诱集点每晚可以诱集成虫2 000多头;雌成虫抱卵量大,最多达543粒,成虫产卵于1~3 cm深土中,卵孵化盛期为6月下旬~7月上旬,孵化率达85%以上,幼虫在15~60 cm土层内取食危害。
  2. Her emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds
  3. A 10.5 cm (ranged 8 to 13 cm) midline incision was made from the third rib to the base of xiphoid process. A transverse half sternotomy was made in the second intercostal space from the right border to the center of the sternum.
  4. Results Postoperative follow-up ranged from half a year to ten years. Of 21 cases by treatment of neurolysis, muscle power of M5 in extension of wrist, thumb and fingers was obtained in 17 cases, with S4 at the first web space.

ranged space

ranged space


cosmos: 源于希腊语,指和谐的有秩序的宇宙,与chaos(天地开辟前的浑沌状态)相对。
space: 指大气层或太阳系之外的极高的天空,即太空之意。
universe: 指包括地球及其他天体的广大空间。