ram injection machine是什么意思 ram injection machine在线中文翻译

ram injection machine

ram injection machine 双语例句

  1. There are four main products rope, five-rope fast Dray, 0.5 T-5T fast, medium-speed hoist 12, 18-cutting machine, four to justice derrick, gasoline hand-ray machines, electric hand-ray machine, with two machines, vacuum suction Machine, Kewen machine, welding machine, welding machine, tunnels, bridges, reservoirs for the Pistons pump, injection pump, 350, 500, 750, the concrete mixer ingredients bucket, vertical 350-mixer, satellite mixer, mortar Machines, road cleaning machines, road paving machines, steel cutting machine, steel bending machines, bending machines hoop, Washidahang machine, fast-straight machines, machine vibration solidify, the impact ram, plate ram, the tower crane, build Block molding machines, loaders, rollers, and so full of construction equipment.

ram injection machine

ram injection machine


machinery: 指机器的总称。
engine: 既可泛指或大或小、简单或复杂的机械、机器,又可指产生动力的发动机或引擎。
motor: 通常指小型或轻型马达、发动机。
apparatus: 指具有特殊用途的装置。
mechanism: 指运行系统,简单的机械装置。
machine: 普通用词,泛指一切机器。