radial node是什么意思 radial node在线中文翻译

radial node

radial node 双语例句

  1. These lists are conceptually the same as those found in other boundary representations such as half-edge, radial edge and partial entity and like these other representations each topological entity is itself a node in the cycles to which it belongs so the memory requirements for storing adjacency information remains minimal.
    这些链表和其他的边表示结构的存储是类似的,比如半边,射线边,pe或其他的表示,每个拓扑元素自己在环中都是一个节点,这样就可以得到一个最小的内存需求。最后由 kidux 编辑于 2007年 4月 5日 23:34 星期四,总共编辑了 2 次
  2. The motion rule of blade, stress cloud chart, animation, and radial deformation history curves of the node on the elastic blade free end in different thickness and angular acceleration were given. The maximum deformation of blade is obtained from those history curves.
  3. The motion rule of blade, contact rule between blade and cylinder, animation, and radial deformation history curves of the node on the elastic blade free end and friction history curves in different thickness and angular acceleration were given.
  4. It is indicated that the radial structure of distribution networks makes it important for node indexing scheme in distribution system analysis. An excellent indexing scheme can play an important role in simplifying power flow equations and enhancing computation speed.
  5. Firstly, by using partition method based on the node degree searching the network is decomposed into radial sub networks, single meshed networks and complex loop networks which are formed many sub areas.
  6. According to the equations, the simulation program of the temperature field was developed with VC, which realized the computer simulation and described each radial node's cooling curve of long-thick wall tube during the cooling process.
  7. The genetic algorithm (GA) is used to optimize the node number of input layer, the spread coefficient of radial basis function, and training error, in order to obtain the optimum forecasting model of RBF network.
  8. Logarithmically distributed radial node
  9. Through self-compliance influence coefficient, the difference of deformation under distributed radial load of every node on the wire is embodimented, which is beneficial to form the film thickness equation.
  10. It's easy to translate the node of regression tree into radial basis function. After the nodes of regression tree are visited, we can generate a set of radial basis functions from which the final network can be selected.

radial node

radial node