quantise是什么意思 quantise在线中文翻译

quantise 英 ['kwɒntaɪz] 美 ['kwɒntaɪz]

quantise 网络解释

  1. <主英>
    ...gene transfer 基因转移 | quantise <主英> quantize | expeditionary 远征的...
  2. 使量子化
    ...quantisationquantization 量子化 | quantise 使量子化 | quantitaes 数量表示...

quantise 英英释义

  1. apply quantum theory to
    restrict the number of possible values of (a quantity) or states of (a physical entity or system) so that certain variables can assume only certain discrete magnitudes that are integral multiples of a common factor
    e.g. Quantize gravity
    Synonym: quantize
  2. approximate (a signal varying continuously in amplitude) by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of discrete values
    Synonym: quantize

quantise ['kwɒntaɪz]

vt. <主英>使量子化
v approximate (a signal varying continuously in amplitude) by one whose amplitude is restricted to a prescribed set of discrete values
v apply quantum theory to; restrict the number of possible values of (a quantity) or states of (a physical entity or system) so that certain variables can assume only certain discrete magnitudes that are integral multiples of a common factor