pythia是什么意思 pythia在线中文翻译


Pythia 双语例句

  1. On one occasion, which either Plutarch himself or one of his colleagues witnessed, temple authorities forced the Pythia to prophesy on an inauspicious day to please the members of an important embassy.
  2. If the classical Sibylls and the Pythia are any example, it will do Harry no good to try and avoid the prophecy.
  3. The most famous answer that we know was recorded again by Herodotus when Croesus, the fabulously wealthy king of Lydia, asked the Pythia whether he should cross the Halys River and attack the Persian king, Cyrus the Great.
    最有名的答案,我们知道录得再次希罗多德时,croesus ,fabulously富裕国王邓莲,要求pythia他应否过江浙河和攻击波斯国王,赛勒斯的伟大。
  4. Apollo defeated Pytho but revered him by maintaining his name as an epithet for his cult at Delphi, and his priestess was known as the Pythia and his games as the Pythian.
    阿波罗战胜pytho ,但崇敬他保持他的名字作为一个epithet他的邪教组织在Delphi中,和他的priestess被称为该pythia和他的游戏作为pythian 。
  5. Pythia served a powerful sorcerer for decades to learn the secrets of his power.
  6. The dependencies of all suggested measures for charge fluctuation on the size of rapidity window are compared by using the hadronic and nuclear collision models & PYTHIA and RQMD.
  7. During the oracular sessions, the Pythia spoke in an altered voice and tended to chant her responses, indulging in wordplay and puns.
  8. Pythia served a power ful sorcerer for decades to learn the secrets of his power.

Pythia ['piθiә]

n. [希神]皮提亚
n (Greek mythology) the priestess of Apollo at Delphi who transmitted the oracles