pwl是什么意思 pwl在线中文翻译


PWL 网络解释

  1. 立式污水泵
    ...PW污水泵 | PWL立式污水泵 | NL立式泥沙泵...
  2. 涡街流量计
    ...涡街流量计 KUV | 涡街流量计 PWL | 带自清洁功能的旋叶式流量视镜 DAA...
  3. 立式污火泵
    ...PW污水泵 | PWL立式污火泵 | NL立式泥沙泵...
  4. 立式污
    ...PW污 | PWL立式污 | NL立式泥沙泵...
  5. abbr. piece wise linear; 分段线性信号
  6. abbr. paw withdrawal latency; 撤足反射潜伏期
  7. abbr. prior warning line; 物化视图预警线
  8. abbr. priority watch list; 知识产权监视对象国

PWL 双语例句

  1. Both APV and DNQX at 10 nM significantly increased PWL with the former being more potent.
    鞘内注射1 nM非NMDA受体拮抗剂DNQX对PWL没有作用,但1 nM NMDA受体拮抗剂APV则显著延长PWL(P.05)。10 nM DNQX和10 nM APV均显著地使PWL延长,但是后者增加PWL的百分比显著大于前者增加PWL的百分比(P.05)。
  2. Parameter deviation of perturbed element and voltages of accessible measurement nodes are obtained by using Woodbury formula to decompose circuit's incidence matrix while voltages of nonlinear elements reaching upper corner-point voltage or lower corner-point voltage of PWL (piece-wise linear) region.
  3. The percentage changes of PWL to thermal stimulation were tested before and 10, 20, 30, 60 and 90 min after EA treatment.
    在EA治疗前及治疗后10,20,30,60,90 min测定PWL,以PWLs为观察指标。
  4. PWL approximation is also simple and effective nonlinear approximation.
  5. In this dessertation a constructive model of high-dimensional continuous PWL functions is given by means of an iterative method, based on a model at one dimension space.
  6. Sup2; TAIWAN PWL CORPORATION was founded in 1993 by designing and making electronic components.
    sup2;台湾宝德华股份有限公司创建於 1993年,致力於电子零件设计与产。
  7. Countries on the PWL do not provide an adequate level of IPR protection or enforcement or of market access for persons relying on IPR protection.
  8. In addition to mainland China, the countries on the PWL in this year's report are Algeria, Argentina, Canada, Chile, India, Indonesia, Israel, pakistan, Russia, Thailand and Venezuela.
  9. Specially, no constructive result has been given for high-dimensional continuous PWL functions.
  10. We derive a composition rule for arbitrary continuous PWL function on the basis of the canonical representation.
  11. Conventional models for continuous piecewise linear (PWL) functions have too many parameters which cannot compactly represent PWL functions.
  12. By using PWL method an optimal model set of nonlinear system multiple model adaptive control algorithm is given, which reduces the heavy computation burden in multiple model adaptive control.
  13. Intrathecal morphine increased distinctly PWL in the model of inflammatory pain.
  14. Global optimization of piecewise linear (PWL) function with a linear constraint
  15. PSPICE Simulation of Chaos Dynamical System Including PWL Elements
  16. Pwl-type vertical impact crusher
  17. The Public Welfare Lawsuit (PWL) originates from the Roman Law and has a long history, whereas, the emergence of civil public welfare lawsuit (CPWL) dates back not long ago.


abbr. 能级(Power Level);功率瓦特级(Power Watt Level);电平