prometheus是什么意思 prometheus在线中文翻译

Prometheus 英 [prəˈmiθju:s] 美 [prəˈmiθiəs, -ˌθjus]

Prometheus 词典解释


Prometheus 网络解释

  1. 普罗米修士
  2. 普洛米修斯
    ...这道烟柱是以希腊神话中带给人类火种的神只普洛米修斯 (Prometheus)来命名. 从1979年航行家探测船飞越回传的影像起,普洛米修斯烟柱出现在所有这个区域的影像中,也因此科学家怀疑,这道烟柱喷发的期间至少已经持续超过18年了....

Prometheus 双语例句

  1. Prometheus heroes subsequently killed, the first drop After the neck in a cavity emitting毒血that leap from being毒血with this horse Pegasus winged Pegasus.
  2. So Prometheus decided to make man stand upright as the gods did and to give them fire.
  3. It was Nereus who advised Heracles to seek Prometheus in the hero's search of the golden apples.
  4. Prometheus shaped man out of mud, and Athena breathed life into his clay figure.
  5. However, Prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down tomen.
  6. So Hermes them essenger brought her to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus.
  7. Prometheus and Epimetheus were spared imprisonment in Tartarus because they had not fought with their fellow Titans during the war with the Olympians.
  8. Perhaps after an evening walk in the winter snow, you will behold Prometheus unbound on the title page, read my name, and be convinced at once that, whatever this essay should contain, the author certainly has something serious and urgent to say; also that, as he hatched these ideas, he was communicating with you as if you were present, and hence could write down only what was in keeping with that presence.
  9. The Birth of Tragedy Attempt at a Self-Criticism(1886) Preface to Richard Wagner(1871) To keep at a distance all the possible scruples, excitements, and misunderstandings that the thoughts united in this essay will occasion, in view of the peculiar character of our aesthetic public, and to be able to write these introductory remarks, too, with the same contemplative delight whose reflection--the distillation of good and elevating hours--is evident on every page, I picture the moment when you, my highly respected friend, will receive this essay. Perhaps after an evening walk in the winter snow, you will behold Prometheus unbound on the title page, read my name, and be convinced at once that, whatever this essay should contain, the author certainly has something serious and urgent to say; also that, as he hatched these ideas, he was communicating with you as if you were present, and hence could write down only what was in keeping with that presence.
  10. The Phrygians, the Seven against Thebes, The Suppliant, Maidens and the Oresteia, there was no clue to the date of performance of the Prometheus Bound and thus caused some suspicions about its authenticity.
    佛里几亚,那七对抗底比斯、恳求者、未婚女子和 Oresteia ,没有对普罗美修士范围的表现的日期的线索而且如此引起了关于它的确实性的一些怀疑。
  11. Of these seven have tragedies, Prometheus Bound, The Persians, Agamemnon.
    这些七有悲剧、普罗美修士范围、波斯者,Troy 战争中希腊军队的统帅。
  12. The advantage a Prometheus has over the Damocles Rhino as a command and control hub is that it is also a front line combat vehicle. In battle it can lead from the front, and whilst a Prometheus does not contain all the advanced features of the dedicated command Rhino, it makes a good stand-in as a force command and control hub.
  13. In Athens, ancient Greek holds the torch to take part in race to honor Gods including Prometheus who stole fire and brought wisdom and knowledge to humankind.
  14. The fire used by the Greek is said that in the old times Prometheus stole from Heaven, but the fire in China is not the same.
  15. It is said that the fire Greeks use was stolen by Prometheus from the sky in ancient time. But it is different from the Chinese one.
  16. You know what happened to the well-intentioned Prometheus?
  17. Another example is the F ring, whose periodic clump s seem to have been imprinted by Prometheus.
  18. The image clearly shows that Prometheus is not round, but instead has an oblong, potato-like shape.
  19. It also reveals a faint strand of material connecting Prometheus with the rings.
  20. In its own way, the shepherd moon Prometheus (102 kilometers, 63 miles across) is one of the lords of Saturn's rings.

Prometheus 单语例句

  1. " The Father Factor " is set for release next month by Prometheus Books.
  2. Charlize's latest movies'Snow White and the Huntsman'and'Prometheus'earned a combined $ 73 million in the United States this weekend.
  3. The show subtitled " Pandora's Legend " presents a new version of the saga of Prometheus.

Prometheus [prә'mi:θju:s]

n. 普罗米修斯(希腊神话中人名,为人类盗火种甘受罚)
n. (Greek mythology) the Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to mankind; Zeus punished him by chaining him to a rock where an eagle gnawed at his liver until Hercules rescued him