prevost是什么意思 prevost在线中文翻译


Prevost 双语例句

  1. Jean-Baptiste Prevost, the head of the French student union UNEF, says young people today view the events of May `68 very positively. But they don`t want to copy what took place. They want to write their own history.
    法国全国学生联合会主席Jean-Baptiste Prevost对法国年轻人评价很高:他们对may68的了解十分透彻,但却不会因此而照搬原套,他们想的是用自己的方式来书写历史。
  2. The bread-and-butter concerns of 2008 - high unemployment, job insecurity and overcrowded schools - may be very different from the more idealistic causes of May 1968. But, activists like Prevost of the UNEF student union say, young people today are as eager for change as 40 years ago.
  3. As Alceste, Damian Lewis leads an impressive cast that also includes Tara Fitzgerald and Nicholas Le Prevost.
    Damian Lewis领衔主演Alceste,带领了一班梦幻的卡司,包括Tara Fitzgerald 和Nicholas Le Prevost
  4. Dennis Prevost, a conductor on the Hobo line, collected tickets from Kaitlin Clark and her grandmother Martha Hedrick.
  5. Based on the static isotropic elastoplastic damage and Prevost model theory, a new damage model for saturated soft clay under cyclic loading is developed.

Prevost 单语例句

  1. " Being located in China is an important aspect of our global strategy to produce locally, " said Prevost.

Prevost [ˈprevəu, ˈprevəust]
