portfolio capital是什么意思 portfolio capital在线中文翻译

portfolio capital

portfolio capital 双语例句

  1. Secondly, in the modern portfolio theory of Markowitz and William Sharpe - Capital Asset Pricing Model the theoretical basis, the system expounded on the current performance evaluation of securities investment funds representative of the three kinds of risk-adjusted performance measurement method, which Sharpe performance index, Treynor index, Jensen performance index, and a comparative study of them.
  2. Jiang proposed Spring Tour, investors can choose a new hair as a capital preservation fund low-risk portfolio of the Fund + earnings potential of the species.
  3. Key words] commercial bank; economic capital; portfolio effect; Monte Carlo simulation
  4. Topics will include: international capital flows and balance of payments; analysis of foreign exchange markets, arbitrage and speculation; discussion of purchasing power parity and real exchange rates; currency and commodity swaps; corporate management of exchange rate risk exposure in spot and forward markets; currency futures and options, eurodollar markets; models of exchange rate determination; exchange rate forecasting techniques; international trade finance; international taxation and foreign and direct portfolio investments; international capital budgeting.
  5. It still has a giant portfolio of credit-default swaps that European banks use to game capital rules.
  6. It is of great importance to discuss the portfolio of Chinese residents after China liberalizes its capital account.
  7. This research sums up and lies in four main kinds of mechanisms in Hollywood to reduce the investment risk, to offer more plural channel and to attract more capital into this industry: completion bond, utilize intangible asset as pledge, project-based investment, reducing risks by investing portfolio.
  8. A rate used by IFC to assist in determining the performance of its loan portfolio, it is based on three parts of average costs of borrowed funds and one part capital resources.
  9. RAROC in economic capital management is extensively adopted in risk pricing, portfolio management, and performance measurement.
  10. Capital growth, by investing in a managed portfolio of fixed income securities
  11. However, the fact is that portfolio flows are only a small part of total capital flows.
  12. Capital Preservation Fund has the advantage of through insurance proceeds and assets of this dynamic asset allocation and effective portfolio management, capital preservation cycle to ensure that the due date of the principal amount of security, at the same time to share the wide fluctuations in the stock market brought about by investment income.
  13. The papers proposed feasibility through a combination of mobile devices and distribution of electricity in rural fixed area, low voltage overhead power lines and buried electricity lines to the low voltage contrast, analysis, First introduced in the countryside along the road, the field has substantial 10kV overhead lines, mobile access portfolio distribution devices with low voltage power lines buried in the new power supply operation model, In the new rural farmland capital construction, the full utilization of existing overhead lines 10kV electrical equipment resources, avoid duplication of investment, the expansion of drought areas, reducing agricultural electricity.
    2006中国电机工程学会年会,河南郑州,中国电机工程学会本文通过对新型的移动式组合配电装置与农村固定式供电台区;低压架空电力线路与低压地埋电力线路的对比、分析,首次提出了在沿乡间公路、田间已有的大量10kV 架空线路上,接入移动式组合配电装置,配合低压地埋电力线路运行这一新的供电模式,在社会主义新农村农田基本建设中,充分利用现有10kV 架空线路资源、避免重复投资、扩大排灌面积、减少农电设施被盗的可行性。
  14. Stuart Brister, head of Wells Fargo`s trade capital division, sees the factoring market growing by 6-8% a year. The bank recently snapped up GMAC`s North American portfolio.
    富国银行的资本交易部负责人Stuart Brister 注意到了保理的市场每年以6-8%的速度增长,该银行最近收购了GMAC的北美业务。
  15. Principles of venture capital, principal-agent theory and portfolio theory as basic theory, the thesis analyses the present situation of venture capital in China from its source, scale, institution enterprises, finance jnvest, contract design and exit etc. Connected with relative data and typical case, venture capital in China is compared with that of developed countries and districts where it is more perfectly. Both positive and normative methods including statistics, comparing and giving example are used in the course of study.
  16. Did any of your group`s portfolio companies receive an investment from a Venture Capital firm in 2008?
  17. The Swiss bank said earlier this month it had agreed to sell BlackRock securities with a nominal value of $ 22bn in a deal reducing its portfolio of troubled holdings and releasing capital.
  18. Secondly, using the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm (FFT) of CreditRisk + model to calculate the loss distributions and economic capital of retail loan portfolio in the situation of the varying PD.
  19. Moreover, as the increasingly amount and market share in capital market of USA, private equity makes more and more influence on the portfolio companies and economy development.
  20. All the issues directly or indirectly influence value and price of the NPAs. The methodologies including static and dynamic analysis, micro and macro analysis are applied to address the basic theoretical and specific problems in the research. The analysis on value and price of NPAs can fill some vacancies of the theoretical research about NPAs, and reveal the internal links among current relevant theories about fictitious capital /assets, financial risk, financial crisis, portfolio selection and assets pricing models, assets assessment and evaluation technologies.

portfolio capital 单语例句

  1. The agency said the move reflects South Africa's slow economic recovery, climbing government debt and rising capital influx through portfolio investments.
  2. As the value of its investments increased, its capital markets portfolio earned $ 277 million.
  3. The company also organizes events such as Intel Capital Days and the CEO Summit to share its industry contacts with its portfolio companies.
  4. " The best and brightest in Intel Corporation " not only help Intel Capital evaluate investments but also gives business and technology guidance to its portfolio companies.
  5. It also mentioned the steps China has taken to liberalize its capital account, including by increasing the ability of portfolio investors to invest in Chinese assets.
  6. Soho China's property investment portfolio is limited to commercial and office buildings in the Central Business District of the capital.

portfolio capital

portfolio capital


principal: 用于人时,指地位优于其他人;用于物时,指该物在大小、重要性等方面优于他物。
leading: 侧重指具有影响力或凝聚力。从而有主导和引导的作用。
primary: 通常不用于人。用于物时,指在重要性方面占第一位。
foremost: 侧重指在行进或发展过程中居首位。
capital: 着重指因重要性、意义、优越或重大而名列同类之首。
major: 指同其他人或其它物、问题等相比较,显得更加重要和突出。
chief: 拽人时,表同类中职位最高,权力最大;指物时,表同类中最重要,价值最高。
main: 通常只用于物。指在一定范围内,某物的重要性、体积或力量等超过其它物。