populist是什么意思 populist在线中文翻译


Populist 词典解释


Populist 网络解释

  1. 平民主义者
  2. 民粹主义者
    ...Clark教授从民粹主义者(Populist)的观点,对公民投票提出批评. Clark指出,公民投票只能让人民有著虚幻的「自己作主」感觉,但现实上根本就无法正确地反映「人民」的声音. 因为它「一次一案」的本质,公民投票无法让「议题优先顺序」(priorities among issues)的偏好展现出来....
  3. [美史]平民党员,平民论者,民粹主义者
    ...curing speed 硫化速度, 固化速度 | Populist [美史]平民党员,平民论者,民粹主义者 | circumstantial 依照情况的...
  4. 平民党员
    ...Populism 人民党主义 | Populist 平民党员 | populous 人口多的...

Populist 双语例句

  1. Sculptures adorn car dealers'forecourts. Cerritos's busy library is covered with titanium; its Wal-Mart is clad in granite. It has an opulent performing arts centre that will host some 140 impeccably populist acts this year.
  2. Obviously any democratic or populist countermanding force has been far to weak in both cases to have any significant immediate check on autocratic power and societal exploitation of the technologies involved.
  3. There are no candid diaries by him and – worst of all – from a populist point of view, absolutely no kiss and tell memoirs that dish up the dirt.
  4. First, it will fan the populist flames here in the U. S., where the recession-wracked middle class is dumbfound ed at the recovery of the wealthy.
  5. Kevin Rudd, the prime minister, was accused of bowing to populist pressure in an election year.
  6. They also contribute to economic anxiety and a populist trade backlash.
  7. However, in an interview, Mr Wu worried that some recent developments in China suggested a populist lurch.
  8. George W. Bush restrained some of the populist excesses of his party — the anti-immigration fervor, the iso-lationism — but stylistically he fit right in.
  9. Funds from the IMF standby agreement are frozen following the approval of populist measures.
  10. Those who style themselves as populist crusaders are generally either playing to the voters with no real intention of following through, or are destined to disappoint.
  11. The supreme leader, abetted by largely unelected councils, allowed just four out of more than 400 candidates to face the voters in the presumption that his populist incumbent protégé would stroll to victory.
  12. But many Ecuadorians worry that the left-wing populist president is creating a Venezuelan-style autocracy.
  13. Many in western Europe are predicting outbreaks of populist nationalism, demagoguery and social unrest.
  14. With the benefits of EU membership in full flow, from farm aid to political security, elites will fight hard against populist efforts to change course.
  15. Polls show Mr Obama's popularity is sliding he needs to shore up his base and find an issue with broad populist appeal.
  16. With China's massive trade surplus emerging as populist fodder for presidential candidates in America, and just one more round of the talks-in the midst of the presidential campaign-scheduled before a change of administrations, the discussions needed to show some substance.
  17. His political origins lie in the most populist strand of the PRI.
  18. Some of America's more populist politicians are taking this list as proof that anonymous Chinese subcontractors are not to be trusted, that America needs much more elaborate safeguards against tainted goods and that firms that had outsourced manufacturing to faraway lands would have done better to keep their factories closer to home.
  19. But a populist response to the economic crisis is pulling in the opposite direction, as several recent incidents in Hungary illustrate.
  20. The second thing we know is that the paper is likely to become shriller and more populist, across the board.

Populist 单语例句

  1. Obama advisers saw public outrage come to a head in recent weeks, as populist anger escalated over bonuses paid to American International Group executives.
  2. Rumsfeld, who compared Chavez to Hitler and warned darkly about populist leadership in Bolivia and Cuba.
  3. Wang is sought after by youngsters for his populist humor, which takes aim at everything from social phenomena and politics to celebrity antics.
  4. Dismissing such measures as populist doesn't change the basic truth that governments are itching to extract revenge and banks are soft targets.
  5. But compilers of the index cautioned that some concerns have been aroused over the city's commitment to economic freedom due to implementation of " populist " policies.
  6. She also kept up her populist pitch and call for a summertime suspension of the federal gas tax to help people facing rising fuel prices.
  7. Berlusconi has pursued a populist campaign, intimating that Italy's social misery can be blamed on a " hegemonic " Germany imposing austerity.
  8. Hong Kong can serve as a model for the mainland in improving people's livelihood without fanning populist sentiments that may hurt the market economy.
  9. The Democrats have embraced a more populist platform, promising handouts for families with children and farmers and a higher minimum wage.
  10. By catering to and making the most of Japan's rising populist mood, he is apparently wooing the public for more support in the elections.

Populist ['pɒpjəlɪst]

n. 平民主义者;民粹派;平民论者
adj. 民粹主义的(等于populistic);平民主义的;平民主义者的
n an advocate of democratic principles