population moment是什么意思 population moment在线中文翻译

population moment

population moment 双语例句

  1. At this moment approximately 55% of the total population in Taiwan are uninsured.
  2. The population kurtosis is given by the fourth moment over the square of the variance.
  3. Ever since the first person said and proved that the number of births or crimes is subject to mathematical laws, that certain geographical and politico-economical laws determine this or that form of government, that certain relations of the population to the soil lead to migrations of peoples—from that moment the foundations on which history was built were destroyed in their essence.
  4. Disperse phase; direct quadrature method of moment; population balance model
  5. Although there is enough grain to go round at the moment, you do not need to be a neo-Malthusian to worry about the demand implications of a global population rising by about 80m people a year or to notice that countries with fast-growing populations – India, the Philippines and Egypt, for example – are especially vulnerable to disruptions in the world's food trade.
  6. Chapter one summarizes the essential framework and the frontiers and development of spatial ecology and sex ecology. Chapter two and three respectively provides the ways how to build the pair approximation and moment methods to analytically investigate the spatially structured population. Chapter four focus on the dynamics, spatial distribution and sex ratio of spatially structured sexual reproduction population, exploring the effects of habitat decay and habitat connectivity used by pair approximation. In chapter five we construct the moment model for population including sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction, and study the condition of coexistence for these two reproduction patterns.
  7. However, because of the demand by the annual population continued to grow, inventory decreasing, the moment balance supply and demand is filled with the crisis.
  8. In order to decrease the control moment needed in roll channel of a missile, probability models of population deviation and Monte Carlo simulation is applied.
  9. In this paper, We give the sample breakdown point of a test for moment estimation of population variance and analyze the asymptotically normal characteristic of the sample breakdown point.
  10. The sample breakdown point of a test for moment estimation of population variance
  11. Probability density function, distribution function, moment generating function and moments are obtained. The behavior of the F test for the skew normal population is investigated.
  12. China is in the key period of economic and social transformation at the moment, but the fifth and sixth census results and the United Nations on the aging of the population definition and standard show that China has entered the aging society.
  13. This paper discusses the Lyapunov stability of the mcan and second central moment of stochastic semi-discrete population systems.
  14. By moment transformation method, and basing on particle size independent growth – particle size independent multi equal volume breakage model, the population balance equation was solved.
  15. The model of programmed crystallization of SPM was proposed based on the moment transformation of the population considering the agglomeration. The optimal temperature-time curves in a batch crystallizer which maximized the terminal mean size and mean weight size can be determined from the application of the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. The calculated crystallization results heating under optimal temperature were compared with ones under linear or natural heating temperature.
  16. The problem for linear biased estimation of the population origin moment is discussed in this paper.
  17. Both N_2 and O_2 molecules are better aligned at lower temperature, while they are poorly aligned at higher temperature. The behavior can be attributed to the population of the angular moment in the rotational wave packets of molecules at different temperatures.
  18. Since China's population is ten times greater than Japan's, this moment always seemed destined to arrive.
  19. Poynton says at the moment, the indigenous population feels disenfranchised from the planning process for the forests.
  20. With the increasing of global population, the wanning of the climate and the pollution of environment, people are prone to be attacked by bacteria and various at any moment.

population moment

population moment


minute: 指极短的时间,但可觉察到时间的持续。
moment: 较minute所表示的时间短,指一刹那或一段很短时间。有时也含持续的意味。
instant: 常与moment换用,指一瞬间,但更侧重时间短促,多用于表示紧迫、瞬变等情况。

people: 具体的人 China has a large population.
population: 人口,人数,