phrase structure grammar是什么意思 phrase structure grammar在线中文翻译

phrase structure grammar

phrase structure grammar 双语例句

  1. In transformational generative grammar, tree diagrams and phrase structure rules are closely related.
  2. The phrase structure in the generative grammar is endocentric to constrain possible phrase structures, and its branch is binary to rep resent the asymmetry betw een the constituents in the structure.
    生成语法的结构理论与运算方式熊仲儒(安徽师范大学文学院,安徽芜湖 241000)摘:在生成语法中,句法结构具有向心性与双分枝性,前者是用来限制可能的短语结构,后者是要用来表达成分之间的不对称性。
  3. By rendering Dowty's argument selection from an abstract procedure into a concrete feature structure presentation, Davis has successfully introduced the lexical entailments into HPSG (Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar).
  4. The constraint-based theories Head-driven Phrase Structure grammar (HPSG) and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) integrate syntax and semantics in the account of anaphoric study.
  5. It is assumed in the paper that the index agreement theory in the framework of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar, which incorporates syntax, semantics and pragmatics, seems to be a potential approach to the problems exhibited in the traditional explanation of agreement.
  6. Second, the alignment algorithm based on Bracketing Transduction Grammar aligns the phrasal structure groups. a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction.
  7. A solution to homonym correction based on Chinese phrase structure grammar is presented in this paper.
  8. To implementation of efficient parsing of grammars, a new class of phrase structure grammars called overlap-free grammar (OFG) with heavily restricted rewriting rules is defined.
  9. PSG (Phrase Structure Grammar) has been extensively applied in computational linguistics.
  10. Context-free grammar which is aslo referred to as phrase structure grammar, is the most commonly mathematical system used to simulate the composition structure of natural language. Syntactic analysis is based on context-free grammar to identify sentences and assign sentences'structure.
  11. The current syntax tagging models are customarily based on PSG (Phrase Structure Grammar) or DG (Dependency Grammar), but all have some shortcomings.
  12. Head-driven phrase structure grammar
  13. This paper illustrates the formalization model employed in Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
  14. This paper rewrites the part on syntactic structure of nominal phrase in The Handbook of Grammar Investigation by Liu Danqing.
  15. According to the traditional grammar a preposition followed by a prepositional phrase is abnormal. But in the linguistic reality such structure as FROM UNDER THE TABLE is not rare.
  16. The relevant theories were information theory, categorical grammar, transformational-generative grammar, dependency grammar, and stratificational grammar in the 1950s and 1960s; artificial intelligence, non-linguistic knowledge bases, formalisms such as lexical-functional grammar, generalized phrase structure grammar, head-driven phrase structure grammar, definite clause grammar, priciples and parameters, Montague semantics in the 1970s and 1980s, neural networks, connectionism, parallel processing, and statistical methods and others in the 1990s.

phrase structure grammar

phrase structure grammar


structure: 侧重建筑物的构造形式。
building: 普通用词,指任何建筑物,但不涉及建筑物的大小、风格以及所用材料。

structure: 结构
system: 系统
heritage: 遗产