permanent contraction是什么意思 permanent contraction在线中文翻译

permanent contraction

permanent contraction 双语例句

  1. Minus 3.5% trend growth rate for the global economy, the wealth effect alone should cause the global economy to contract by 1.5% in 2009. As the wealth loss is mostly permanent, i. e., the high asset value before was a bubble and the current level is normal, the 1.5% contraction represents a permanent loss.
  2. Barrington's nucleus that located in the pontine dorsolateral tegmentum is an important site for controlling voiding in the mammalian brain and is often referred to as pontine micturition center. Barrington's nucleus sends direct projection fibers to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus in which parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating detrusor muscles of the bladder are distributed. Electron or chemical stimulation of Barrington's nucleus clicits bladder contraction and increases discharges of bladder postganglionic nerve. Conversely, lesion of the nucleus results in a permanent inability to empty the bladder. On the other hand, an area located just ventral to Barrington's nucleu has been reported to send projection fibers to the ventrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus in the caudal lumbar cord segments; the vetrolateral group of Onuf's nucleus is mainly composed of pudendal motor neurons innervating the external urethral sphincter muscle.

permanent contraction

permanent contraction


permanent: 指总是处于相同的情况和地位,可长期持续下去,永久不变。
eternal: 语体较庄重,侧重指永远存在,无始无终。
perpetual: 语气最强,指保持永久不变,没有中断的行为,永无止境地持续下去。有时用于贬义,指令人厌烦之事。
everlasting: 语气较庄重,有时可与eternal换用,侧重持续不尽,或指开始后一直进行下去。
endless: 系日常用词,指无尽无休。