periodic disturbance是什么意思 periodic disturbance在线中文翻译

periodic disturbance

periodic disturbance 双语例句

  1. Power System forced power oscillation is a kind of low frequency oscillation caused by persistent periodic small disturbance.
  2. A latitudinal thin slot in 5 mm width was incised on a smooth flat plate. The periodic blow-suction force with different frequency was applied to turbulent boundary layer from a speaker woofer under the plate. The quantitative influence of local periodic blow-suction disturbance with different frequency on statistic character of turbulent boundary layer had been investigated.
  3. A current cycle iterative learning algorism is presented for the periodic position relevant nonlinear disturbance in the constant speed state of turntable.
  4. In this paper, the technique of constant temperature anemometry, together with double-hot-wire-sensor probe, is used to carry out experimental study on the turbulent boundary layer, which is controlled by periodic blow-suction disturbance in the low turbulent level wind channel.
  5. Pointing accuracy affected by periodic disturbance torques of the roll/yaw loop is obtained by frequency separation method.
  6. Disturbance compensation problem of a three-axis stabilized momentum biased satellite is investigated. In order to improve pointing accuracy of momentum biased satellite, a compensation scheme of periodic disturbance torques is proposed for the roll/yaw loop of momentum biased satellite based on reaction wheels.
  7. The results show that the wavy interface and vortex street are caused by the velocity distribution of shear flow and periodic disturbance at the interface.
  8. It can realize the high precise follow up control for the periodic reference input in the wide frequency range and has the strong ability in the resistance to disturbance and the quick convergent speed.
  9. The investigation on the initial value problem reveals that the atmospheric 30-60 day periodic oscillation develops stably on the zonal 3-wave mode, and is independent of the initial disturbance as well as the discrepancy of the basic currents between winter and summer.
  10. Additionally, the response of the periodic disturbance of the geomagnetic field, for example, geomagnetic pulsation and ECS, to the interplanetary disturbance, is paid attention on studying the problem in space weather.
  11. The filter is applied to the strapdown inertial north finder to eliminate the periodic noise and random disturbance.
  12. Effectiveness of the three rejection strategies for typical disturbances in industry process such as random disturbance, periodic disturbance and crude oil switch disturbance is demonstrated by simulations.
  13. Due to non-Gaussian problem with periodic disturbance in the industrial process, an improved independent component analysis method based on residual analysis is proposed.
  14. Experimental Investigation of Complex Eddy Viscosity Modeling in Turbulent Boundary Layer with Periodic Blow/Suction Disturbance
  15. In this space, repetitive and PI control not only realized rapidly tracking of grid voltage, but also eliminated periodic disturbance (harmonics), in this way, achieved the aim of improving the power quality.
  16. Confirm the existence of oscillations in the control loop, and the exclusion of control valve nonlinear factors cases, this method can distinguish the model-plant mismatch, the controller tuning problem and unmeasured periodic disturbance.
  17. To reject the position dependent periodic disturbances in precision velocity control systems, a disturbance compensation approach based on finite dimensional repetitive controller is proposed. A sufficient condition for its application is derived and the control system design method is developed.
  18. We address the disturbance decoupling problem of periodic and multirate discrete time systems via synchronous controllers.
  19. The results showed that the amplitude and the frequency of a continuing system natural oscillation frequency with the same or similar single periodic disturbance can lead to continued weak damping power system oscillations contact line.
  20. Furthermore, the principle and nature of periodic instantaneous temperature field disturbance and permeation have been discussed with several cases of various types to examine the speed of heat transfer and permeation and damping of temperature wave.

periodic disturbance

periodic disturbance


chaos: 着重指令人无能为力或感到绝望的混乱状态。突出没有很好的组织。
disturbance: 主要指社会中政治性的动乱、骚乱;也可指个人或少数人的闹事。
disordr: 正式用词,含义广泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混乱;也可指社会中的动乱或骚乱。
mess: 语气强,口语中较常用的非正式用词。指既混乱又肮脏,尤指人思想混乱或外表不整洁。
confusion: 指东西搅混在一起,凌乱得难以辨认;也可指思想混乱,以致无法进行正常的思维活动。