pattern recognizer是什么意思 pattern recognizer在线中文翻译

pattern recognizer

pattern recognizer 双语例句

  1. The error pattern can be applied in CALL system to generate a compact recognition network in which the recognizer errors are reduced and the system performance is improved.
  2. In spite of almost 50 years of research, design of a general purpose machine pattern recognizer remains an elusive goal.
  3. The abstract algebraic structure is described by lattice set configuration and finite state automata dynamically. The candidate string sequence is generated by evolutionary algorithm with symbolic dynamics. The degree of evolution is controlled by meta-evolution mechanism and expressed by rough sets. The pattern matching procedure is implemented by syntatic pattern recognizer and grammar inference. Termination judgement is dependent on concret problem solving paradigm.
  4. In accordance with the improved iterative formula of network parameters, the sample data is pretreated as input to the neural network recognizer for training. And the training results are used in control chart pattern recognition during production.
  5. In addition, we also investigated various methods to construct input feature vectors for the recognizer, such as characteristic wavelength with corresponding spectral intensity, or principal component analysis, and the effect of these input vectors applied to spectral pattern recognizer.
  6. Based on the real-world Raman spectral signals, we investigated the proposed algorithm for estimating mixture model parameters, then verified the constructed spectral pattern recognizer.
  7. The topology of the pattern recognizer is a multi-layer recognizor with BP network.
  8. This paper presents a weld defects recognizer using pattern recognizing method to recognize the defects from the binary image.

pattern recognizer

pattern recognizer


figure: 指呈现于整个表面的简单的几何图形或小型图案。
pattern: 一般指简单的重复图案,或整个装饰的格调或事物的布局,也指由一些相连图形拼成的较大图案。
design: 专指线条、轮廓、图案。强调设计的完美或有秩序。