paterson是什么意思 paterson在线中文翻译

Paterson 英 [ˈpætəsən] 美 [ˈpætəsən]

Paterson 网络解释

  1. 帕特森
    ...决策层次法是由F.F.帕特森(Paterson)和他的同事T.哈斯本德(Husband)创立的. 此方法也是立足于单一因素. 与贾克斯的方法不同的是,该法没有声称工资公平是一种普遍的理论,而视为传统岗位评价技术的逻辑发展的结果....
  2. 派特森
    ...一个妇人在派特森(Paterson)的街上捡到一羽受伤的鸽子,麦克,欧格斯汀(MikeAgustine)问我要不要过去领养这羽鸽子. 这羽鸽子的翅膀受了伤,我把它带回我的鸽舍,并且在它的水皿下头垫一块砖头好让它可以喝到水. 我查到这羽鸽子原来的主人住在宾州,...
  3. 巴德顺
    ...光绪十八年(1892年),英国医士巴德顺(Paterson)借青州受灾之机,在国外募捐,利用捐款扩建医院,扩大病房,增设床位,正式定名为广德医院. 当时设病床50余张,有医士20余人,实习生10余人....
  4. 佩特森
    ...他的诗歌如<<佩特森>>(Paterson)等深受惠特曼的影响,朴素简洁,不拘形式,摆脱传统韵律的束缚. (3)新英格兰诗人弗洛斯特(Robert Frost,1874-1963)和罗宾逊(Edward Arlington Robinson,1869-1935)属于第三类诗人,介乎上述两派之间,...

Paterson 双语例句

  1. Having the well-respected Mr Ravitch by his side increases Mr Paterson`s credibility; and it may also provide a smooth exit were, say, a plum ambassadorship to open up.
  2. School officials hope New York's first black governor, David Paterson will attend.
  3. In Paterson that's just the way things go.
  4. Soon after that, Paterson began to attend King College in Bristol, Tennessee, studying literature.
  5. New York Governor David Paterson said Monday that Wall Street may lay off as many as 30000 workers in a worst-case scenario.
  6. The Wall Street Journal`s health blog notes that Mr. Paterson can read for brief stretches by holding a paper very close to his face.
  7. Mr Obama`s strategists have presumably figured out that ditching Mr Paterson for Mr Cuomo might help them hold onto a vital job.
  8. due under this Agreement in respect of all other direct losses, costs and/or expenses incurred by Supplier to the extent caused by the Paterson`s breach.
  9. Hall J M%Killham K%Paterson E The effect of elevated CO2 concentration and soil pH on the relationship between plant growth and rhizosphere denitrification potential 10.1046/j.1365-2486.1998.00124.x Global Change Biology, 1998, 2
  10. Taizhou Paterson Stone Factory was founded in 2003, is a company specializing in the production of translucent marble business.
  11. But Governor Paterson`s Brooklyn declaration of resilience is a perfect expression_r of admirable New York indomitability, a quality shared by an entire crop of our current politicians: They refuse to go away, even when the law, the voters, or sanity says they should.
    但是 Paterson`s Brooklyn 的自信的宣告也是一个对令人钦佩的纽约不屈服战斗精神的完美注解。这种品质也被一大坨当代纽约政客们所拥有:他们拒绝离开,即便是法律,选民,或者说精神正常的人都认为,他们应该离开。
  12. After receiving my Bachelors Degree in Business from William Paterson University, I pursed trading and writing financial software programs. My work is best defined as the Charters Forecast; a technical analysis software program that predicts market moves.
  13. Lieutenant Governor David Paterson, who is legally blind, represented Harlem for 20 years in the New York State Senate, where he enjoyed the respect of colleagues on both sides of the political aisle.
  14. Before becoming governor, Paterson was a leading activist for drug policy reform and was once arrested protesting the draconian and racially biased Rockefeller Drug Laws, which turn a brittle 35 this year.
  15. Other uncommon conditions including - achalasia (widening of the bottom of the oesophagus tylosis; and Paterson-Brown Kelly syndrome (rare syndrome featuring iron deficiency and changes in the mouth or oesophagus).
    其他罕见的条件,包括-贲门失弛缓症; t ylosis( 1继承皮肤条件);及百德-布朗凯利综合征(罕见的综合征特色缺铁和变化,在口腔或食道)。
  16. But like other revolutionary leaders, his memory is sure to generate conflict for years to come, says Thomas Paterson of the University of Connecticut.
  17. A word in season might have saved Paterson from his own folly.
  18. Sometimes it is only sensible to interfere. a word in season might have saved Paterson from his own folly.
  19. The crowd cheered as Premier Wayne Goss unveiled a lifesize statue of poet Banjo Paterson
  20. Mr Paterson is nothing like his steamrollering ex-boss.

Paterson 单语例句

  1. The admissions dampened the mood in the Capitol, where legislators had chanted Paterson's name and cheered after he was sworn in Monday.
  2. Paterson announced on Friday that he is endorsing the city's comptroller for mayor, saying it's time for a change at City Hall.
  3. Paterson had said he thought the candidates'responses would be confidential because it was his personal request that they fill them out.
  4. When the ball spilled loose wing Chris Paterson pounced for the score, before making it a seven points contribution with a difficult conversion.
  5. Another senior Democratic adviser in New York said those seeking Paterson's withdrawal are suggesting he could land a Washington job in the Obama administration.
  6. The Scots too missed a scoring opportunity when Paterson was hauled down a metre short of the try line.
  7. He wouldn't say whether he was advising Paterson to drop out.
  8. They claim that's an endorsement by town officials of the Save West Paterson group.
  9. Paterson said it showed that placing a price tag on rare photographs is not an exact science.
  10. Paterson has been hailed as a politician of integrity and a man who can build consensus in Albany after a tumultuous year under Spitzer.

Paterson ['pætәsәn]

n. American Revolutionary leader (born in Ireland) who was a member of the Constitutional Convention (1745-1806)
n. a city of northeastern New Jersey