party membership是什么意思 party membership在线中文翻译

party membership

party membership 双语例句

  1. In 2005, Chinese Communist Party disciplined and expelled 25, 000 people, nearly 1.7% of the total membership.
    2005年中共各级委共立案147,539件,结案148,931件。给予党纪处分115,143人,占党员总数的1.7 %,其中24188人被开除党籍。
  2. The party's policy of reform and opening up the business card printing and membership card making packaging industry garden kumchon haynaldia, a relief business card printing and membership card making, intaglio 2 business card printing and membership card making and business card printing and membership card both commercial packaging.
  3. This represents how well a particular ideology is organised, covering a broad brush stroke of concepts from party membership, newspaper editorial stance, the views of opinion formers in the country, actual campaigners going out trying to convince people to support them, just give you an idea.
  4. The purges after the 1968 invasion hit especially the Czechs, youth, blue-collar workers, and the intelligentsia within the party membership.
  5. Now I should like to make some explanations of the provisions for Party membership in the draft Constitution.
  6. In this talk about a taste, in order to learn from their experiences, in order to facilitate a new monthly magazine, Business card printing and membership card factory and papierfabrik third-party benefit from common, reaching a total of triunphant, a win.
  7. Political conditions for military service: Cizi tattoo with political issues or criminal gangs mark impede the military's capacity; have been sentenced to imprisonment, detention and control, in accordance with the law have been re-education through labor, or in the juvenile justice system in the unit was expelled from the public, plant Nationality, school, and was expelled from the party, placed on probation, expelled from the membership of the corporation; there are rogue, prostitution, prostitution, drug abuse, theft, robbery, fraud, the military can not be collected.
  8. Essentially they accord with the aspiration of the Party membership and the people and keep up with the trend of the times.
  9. Being the party in power can also easily breed conceit and self-complacency among the membership.
  10. General membership meeting of a party organization; meeting of all party members
  11. We should admit into the Party advanced elements of other social strata who accept the Party's program Constitution, work for the realization of the Party's line program consciously meet the qualifications of Party membership following a long period of test, in order to increase the influence rallying force of the Party in society at large.
    要把承认党的纲领和章程、自觉为党的路线和纲领而奋斗、经过 ssbbww 长期考验、符合党员条件的其他社会阶层的先进分子吸收到党内来,增强党在全社会的影响力和凝聚力。
  12. We should admit into the Party advanced elements of other social strata who accept the Party's program and Constitution, work for the realization of the Party's line and program consciously and meet the qualifications of Party membership following a long period of test, in order to increase the influence and rallying force of the Party in society at large.
  13. As we all know, the aim of rectification is to overcome non-proletarian, non-Marxist-Leninist ideology, still extant among our comrades, with proletarian, Marxist-Leninist ideology, so that our entire Party membership can have unified thinking and will, rallying more closely around the Central Committee headed by Mao Zedong and bringing the Chinese revolutionary cause to fruition.
  14. In General, there are two-party workers can implement a high-fidelity business card printing and membership card.
  15. Local residents feel abandoned by the party, leading to declining membership in election support groups, he said.
  16. Majority of affiliated high school party to be elected five members to determine the party candidate for membership of seven.
  17. King jilintai beloyal publishing group of the Party Committee from the Deputy Secretary of the General Assembly made a fiery speech, he said that Shanghai Electric group, as printed on the package as printed on the package as a leader of the industry, and Jilin province business card printing and membership card making business cooperation for many years, has been saity, product quality, depending on the sincere zeal for the service to the user's approval, in Jilin province business card printing and membership card making business technological progress has made great contributions to, and Shanghai Electric group, as printed on the package came all the way to jiling, the promotion of new technologies, present new products, sincere communication, active cooperation and goodwill, admire and our heartfelt thanks.
  18. Headley says, with customers on a third-party trust-down, Business card printing and membership card-making enterprises will also be subject to certain risks.
  19. By the end of 1997, the party had a membership of 54, 000 and He Luli is its chairwoman.
  20. Dmart Store reserves the right to my application approval. I understand membership is my personal property and cannot transferal to third party.
    Dmart Store 保留对有关申请的最终批核权,本人明白会籍只本人享有,本人可在本港使用 Dmart Store 会员咭及不得转借他人使用。

party membership 单语例句

  1. Eight new party members have chosen to help dropout students finish their middle schooling as a way to commemorate their membership in the Communist Party.
  2. The special Party membership dues were initiated shortly after the quake to support the quake relief.
  3. The Party standing of a member begins from the day he is granted full membership on the expiration of the probationary period.
  4. Guo said Party membership of foreign businesses has entered a new era as foreign companies become more open to Party branches.
  5. This forms the most important factor pushing the development of Party membership in private firms.
  6. A primary Party committee is elected by a general membership meeting or a delegate meeting.
  7. The committee of a general Party branch or a Party branch is elected by a general membership meeting.
  8. An applicant for Party membership must fill in an application form and be recommended by two full Party members.
  9. An applicant for Party membership must fill in an application form and be introduced by two full Party members.
  10. Membership in the Baath Party was a necessary condition for admission to prestigious schools, postgraduate programs or promotions.

party membership

n. 党籍
[网络] 党票;对党籍的不严肃叫法;全体党员
party membership


dinner: 普通用词,含义广。本义指一日的主餐,但多用于指宴请客人的正式的一餐。
feast: 指筵席酒席,有时可与banquet换用,但前者强调共享欢乐的气氛。
banquet: 指正式而盛大的宴会或国宴。
party: 指一般的社交聚会,也引申指宴请或宴会。