pallas是什么意思 pallas在线中文翻译

Pallas 英 [ˈpælæs] 美 [ˈpæləs]

Pallas 词典解释


Pallas 网络解释

  1. 雅典娜
  2. 智神星
    ...而小行星除了谷神星外, 智神星 (Pallas)、婚神星(Juno)灶神星(Vesta) 早就已经出现在专业版的占星软体, 并且在出版品陆续都有介绍其应用方式, 只是尚未如其它行星来的运用广泛....
  3. 帕拉斯
  4. 巴拉斯
    ...① 巴拉斯(Pallas)即雅典的护卫神雅典娜(Athcna). 特来顿是古 典神话中半人半鱼的海神:以后又指亚斯的婴孩的箱子. 奉命看守的 乌鸦飞去告诉巴拉斯,但巴拉斯却因它们侦察过于殷勤(pervigilicausa)而大为震怒:竟把乌鸦永远从卫城放逐了....

Pallas 双语例句

  1. This latter alternative, which was first propound ed by Pallas, seems by far the most probable
  2. The genetic distance a mong different splash types of H. axyridis was 0.0021 to 0.0328 The aver age gene tic distance was 0.0193 The molecular phylogenetic tree suggested that the me mb ers with the same elytron color were grouped together with high bootstrap confid ence values, showing low diversity among the populations. H. axyridis ab. luna t a Hem and H. axyridis var. spectabilis Fald were most closely related. H. ax yridis var. axyridis Pallas was a primordial population of coccinellidae, which wa s differentiated earlier than the other populations.
  3. Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door- Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door- Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
    开着的这里我投了百叶窗,何时,藉由许多卖弄风骚的人和摆动,在那里中踏了往昔的极为圣洁的数天一只庄严的大乌鸦;不是最少的敬礼制造了他;不分钟停止或停留了他;但是在我的室门上面,藉由统治者或淑女的风采,栖息-在正好在上面我的室门 Athena 神名的一个半身像之上栖息-栖息,而且坐着,和无较多的。
  4. This latter alternative, which was first propounded by Pallas, seems by far the most probable.
  5. Objective: To explore the inhibitory effect of anticoagulant fraction from Agkistrodon halys pallas venom on the cell proliferation in HL-60 cells and K562 cells.
  6. Agkistrodon halys pallas venom ACFⅢ can inhibit and kill HL-60 and K562 cells.
  7. In my opinion, the two birds that I have seen previously in Chi Gu were claudiae, apparently the largest of those within the complex (and on size alone not really suggestive of Pallas`s Leaf Warbler) and the one with the least amount of yellow below and in the crown stripe (and also the most likely to occur here as a rare migrant).
    个人看法是,我之前在七股看到的二只是 claudiae,明显地是这几种中体型最大的(而且单就大小而言并不暗示为黄腰柳莺),且腹面和头顶条纹的黄色是最少的(而且很可能是一种稀有候鸟)。
  8. Thus he prayed, and Pallas Minerva heard him; she made his limbs supple and quickened his hands and his feet.
  9. Snake meats ── work as two snake copulations, will continue very long period of time (pallas pit viper to be possible to amount to 6~24 hours), will eat the snake meat to be able to cause the sex life effectively the time expand.
  10. The next largest asteroid, Pallas, has a diameter of 520 km.
    第二大的小行星是智神星,直径520km 。
  11. Though I did not see this individual, it is reminiscent of a bird I saw in Chi Gu in 2001, which I felt was a small warbler somewhere in the Yellow-browed/Pallas`s kind of size range (and fed almost exclusively on trunks and on dead branches like a Black-and-White Warbler).
    虽然我没有看到这只个体,它让我想起 2001 年在七股看到的一只鸟,我觉得是一只小型的莺,大小在黄眉/黄腰柳莺之类的范围(而且像黑白苔莺 Black-and-White Warbler 般专门在树干和枯枝上觅食)。
  12. Hangzhou has a long history of 2, 200 years, Hangzhou is one of China's eight ancient capitals, Hangzhou is also one of China's four garden city (Changchun, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Kunming) cultural landscape the same colorful, ancient court, park, building, Ge, tower, temple, springs, sink, cave, cliff inscriptions all over, or bead curtain Pallas, Yan Liu painted bridge, or thousands of gesture, Weiran wonders, or a beautiful atmosphere million species, especially Lingyin Temple, Pagoda of Six Harmonies, flying to peak, Yuewang Miao, Xiling Seal Society, Longjing, Dreaming of the Tiger, etc. The most famous spring.
  13. Refined snake venom is first produced with snake venom of Pallas pit viper through twice chromatographic separation, saturated ammonium sulfate precipitation, centrifugal separation, dialysis and freezing drying and then produced into the said medicine through compounding, filteration, disinfection and packing.
  14. Aeneas would have given him his life, but at the instant his eye fell on the belt of Pallas, which Turnus had taken from the slaughtered youth.
  15. As for the other losses, the poets relation doth well figure them: that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno and Pallas.
  16. As for the other losses, the poet's relation doth well figure them: that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno and Pallas.
  17. It is simple and easy, and has been implemented on the computer PALLAS in Nanking University i.
  18. It is simple and easy, and has been implemented on the computer PALLAS in Nanking University i. e.
  19. Pallas laughs bashfully, say: They are very outstanding, also have each characteristic each of course.
  20. The article deals with Middendorff`s, but also has images of both Pallas's and Styan's.

Pallas 单语例句

  1. Over the past two years, the Pallas has been completely remodeled.

Pallas ['pælæs]

n. 帕拉斯(女神雅典娜)
n. a large asteroid; the second asteroid to be discovered