overflow liquor是什么意思 overflow liquor在线中文翻译

overflow liquor

overflow liquor 双语例句

  1. The speciality of this series machine is the life height of gray goods was shortened and the tension was reduced; adopt over low-pressure double overflow nozzle and designed no cloth carriage pipe, decreased lashing and avioded fuzzing and fray on the face; adopt many store cloth vat structure enable decrease the length of cloth in one vat, shortened circulation period under the presupposition of cloth speed need not to speed up; under minimum liquor ratio 1:5 to greatest liquor ratio 1:20 this machine ia able to assure the cloth running normally, thus the machine adapted use for many assortment according different requirement of cloth; the swing motion of cloth was installed behind the nozzle, the bottom of store cloth vat spread Teflon enable the cloth operated smoothly and steadily; the inside of machine many places installed spray cleaning devies, enable the whole machine without dead angle of dye liquor, avoided the dye stuff depositing. decreased the number of times of vat washing, during in process of dyeing are especially favorable for the pure cotton clot with dye stuff was not fully absorbed.
  2. Three schemes of dealing with AH wash liq uor of high soda concentration were analyzed and compared. The results show th at when the AH wash liquor of total soda concentration 95.06g/L is transferred d irectly to dilution tank, soda concentration in overflow of the 1st mud washer c ould be lowered by about 6g/L and soda loss in red mud attached liquor could be lo we red by 0.25 kg Na2O per ton of alumina and therefore saving cost of about 549000 RMB per year; moreover, suspension in AH wash liquor could be re-dissolved in to diluted liquor and it is favor not only to rise pregnant liquor R p andimprove precipitation process, but also to avoid alumina loss cost of about 353? 000 RMB per year by the suspension settling into red mud.
    分析比较了处理高浓度氢氧化铝洗液的3种方案,结果表明:将全碱浓度为95.06g/L的氢氧化铝洗液直接送到稀释槽,可使赤泥一洗槽溢流浓度降低约6g/L ,每吨氧化铝赤泥附碱损失减小0.25kg氧化钠,每年可节省碱耗费约54.9万元;而且还能将氢氧化铝洗液中的浮游物反溶解进入稀释液,有利于精液 R p(氧化铝与苛性氧化钠的质量比)的提高,同时避免了其进入赤泥而被损失,每年可减少氧化铝损失费约35.3万元。
  3. Set PH to 7-9 by soda or ammonia liquor, add 1 – 3 g/l Hontongent OR, overflow washing in the temperature of 40–50
    用苏打或氨水把洗涤箱水液调节 pH 到7 – 9,然后加入1 – 3 g/l Hontongent OR ,在40–50℃溢流冲洗即可。
  4. To investigate the influence of liquor vapor overflow on distillation of Chinese liquor, experiments were carried out in an industrial-scale distiller.

overflow liquor

overflow liquor