oppose oneself to是什么意思 oppose oneself to在线中文翻译

oppose oneself to

oppose oneself to 双语例句

  1. For example, I write an article, next I am being written does poineering work in the article that I place this paragraph of code to me, and it is a setting for white, this appearance others cannot see in duplicate process, I and everybody say, who helps me send this article to a forum or on oneself rich guest, so the note that I send you roof beam of complete set rice, in the process that this appearance opposite party sends, brought to us oppose a link.
  2. The medical experiment verifies the precise oil of tea tree can oppose the various bacterium, virus and fungal infection: It is a kind of very effective antiphlogistic too, the good skin of these functions in addition, precise oil of tea tree permeates strength, make it to treat surface, some infection and skin infection have good efficiency very, tea tree precise oil releive, refresh oneself and the antibiotic function is often proposed pruning hands too, the toenail and massage are used hour.
  3. Bow characteristic: Knew very well the open country seeks livehood the skill, excels to hunt for the wild animal; Is very high in the carte and tierce heaven share, but does not understand the true profound carte and tierce; Does not select food, most likes the fragrant barbecue, vainly hoped for eats each kind of different game; To mountain under world all and sentiment of the male and female ignorant chong ignorant, after when descends a mountain, often by own idea weight judgment, causes trouble and makes an ass of oneself all many; Thought the myriad things equality, the birth and death, the law of the jungle all are in society the habit, cannot have the idea which the monster and the human must oppose, the innate its package cares about; Meets matter of the trouble to be able to trade a direction to ponder that, does not like from seeking the worry, but regarding the matter which already recognized, processes very the straight line thought.
  4. Weapon: Long sword, bow characteristic: Knew very well the open country seeks livehood the skill, excels to hunt for the wild animal; Is very high in the carte and tierce heaven share, but does not understand the true profound carte and tierce; Does not select food, most likes the fragrant barbecue, vainly hoped for eats each kind of different game; To mountain under world all and sentiment of the male and female ignorant chong ignorant, after when descends a mountain, often by own idea weight judgment, causes trouble and makes an ass of oneself all many; Thought the myriad things equality, the birth and death, the law of the jungle all are in society the habit, cannot have the idea which the monster and the human must oppose, the innate its package cares about; Meets matter of the trouble to be able to trade a direction to ponder that, does not like from seeking the worry, but regarding the matter which already recognized, processes very the straight line thought.
  5. To attribute to the spirit of evil, to Beelzebul, or to magic that which is so manifestly the work of the Spirit of God meant to stubbornly close one`s eyes to the truth, to oppose oneself to God himself, and therefore to deprive oneself of the possibility of forgiveness.
  6. The controller of these monitoring software companies expresses consistently: Will continue to roll out concrete step to support oppose farmhouse activity, can get online reasonably when all employee, assured the efficiency of the enterprise namely, can raise oneself the desire to do better again, the student does not acquire network strong interest not because the net is decadent, so obtain employment opportunity of future will be more, to the society, at the enterprise, at the individual it is double win.
  7. I don't support will not oppose, because each person to live in this world, is to let oneself live better, as long as their happiness, away from the result and why not?
  8. O. K. be the ideal that the Confucian School runs after, life conducts self in society wanting to be everyone's behavior guide, to meet person waiting for a thing with the Confucian School benevolence, righteousness, gift, wisdom, the thought moral concept believing, one's behavior and conversation should be consider the temperature, good, respectful, thrifty, dodges, takes pride in making modest remarks, takes modesty as, oppose the excessive field showing self showing oneself.

oppose oneself to

oppose oneself to


refute: 语气较强,强调凭推理或证据驳斥一项主张或言论。
deny: 普通用词,侧重否认意见或言论的真实性,尤指否定他人的指控或责难。
contradict: 指肯定地否认、反对或反驳某事,坚持相反的意见。
oppose: 普通的广泛用词。指不作争论或不提出论据而无理由地反对;也指任何温和、有理由的反对或否定。

withstand: 较正式用词,指坚强地抵抗攻击或压力,有时也指抗住影响或吸引力。
defy: 指公开地、勇敢地反对或抵抗,有时含公然挑衅之意。
resist: 指积极地反抗一种攻击或暴力,或诱惑。
oppose: 普通用词,可表不同程度的抵抗。

protest: 一般指通过言语或文字或行为表示出的强烈抗议、反对。
resist: 指用力量或意志抵抗、制止对方的入侵或诱惑、影响等。
object: 多指因厌恶或反感而反对,但不一定明显地表露出来。
oppose: 普通用词,含义广,语气强于object。多指反对一些较重大的事,隐含其正当性。