opinion polls是什么意思 opinion polls在线中文翻译

opinion polls

opinion polls 双语例句

  1. Opinion polls underplay Mr Le Pen's support; almost half of respondents say they are undecided.
  2. 1901 George Gallup, American public opinion statistician who evolved the Gallup Polls in 1933, was born at Jefferson in Lowa.
  3. They have bespattered Lee Myung-bak, who leads in the opinion polls.
  4. More self-interestedly, they worry that much of the opposition's substantial lead in the opinion polls may be due to Mr Visco's exactions.
  5. The European Commission is wrong to think opinion polls can provide it with a democratic mandate?
  6. Mr Rudd has faced a sharp drop in opinion polls since Tony Abbott took over as the opposition leader late last year.
  7. Lopez Obrador has claimed the presidential election was fraudulent, but the Federal Electoral Tribunal rejected his arguments and today public opinion polls show the vast majority of Mexicans accepting Felipe Calderon as president.
    Lopez Obrador声称总统大选的结果并不真实,但联邦选举特等法庭否决了他的申诉,而且今日的民意测验表明大多数墨西哥人民都拥护Felipe Calderon为总统。
  8. Opinion polls—which tend to represent the views of relatively-rich city-dwelling Indians—also make rousing news.
  9. According to the latest opinion polls, the noes have 65 percent and the yeses 35 percent.
  10. His commanding lead in the opinion polls suggests he would win, and return to Palazzo Chigi just 20 months after he left it.
  11. His commanding lead in the opinion polls suggests he would win, and return to Palazzo Chigi just 20 months after he left it see
  12. Flanked by his cabinet outside Downing Street, the prime minister opened a campaign that gives him four weeks to overturn a clear Conservative advantage in the opinion polls to gain his first electoral mandate as leader.
  13. Although in 1989 the Liberal Democratic Party lost the majority in the upper house elections that it had held for more than three decades, opinion polls indicated that the Cosmos Recruit scandal was less salient in the elections than the passage of an unpopular consumption tax a year earlier.
  14. Trailing in the opinion polls, Royal came out fighting from the start of the marathon clash, immediately challenging Sarkozy over the record of the outgoing rightist government, in which he served as both interior minister and finance minister.
  15. The U. S. presidential candidate Barack Obama is aiming to consolidate his lead in the opinion polls with a 30-minute advertisement which will be run on prime-time television.
  16. Despite comparisons during the campaign to stylish 1960s first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, Michelle Obama was deride d in opinion polls for her choice of a black and neon-red dress from Narciso Rodriguez`s spring 2009 collection.
  17. Most opinion polls suggest that his mildly Islamist Justice and Development Party will clobber its opponents yet again.
  18. Opinion polls in Hamilton, including one run by a local newspaper, revealed more than 90 per cent backing for the curfew, although more than half of all children thought police did not understand youngsters and stopped them for no reason.
  19. But sales dwindled in step with Abe's ratings in the opinion polls.
  20. All the opinion polls agree that the results will be terrible for Mr Sarkozy`s ruling UMP party.

opinion polls 单语例句

  1. The first measure adopted centred on integrating leaders with the general public by means of public opinion polls and secret balloting.
  2. Opinion polls put Olmert's centrist Kadima party on course to win Israel's March 28 election on a platform of disengaging from the Palestinians.
  3. Both camps expressed optimism about the outcome with a certainty that was not apparent in any public opinion polls.
  4. This all strikes a chord in these tough economic times and opinion polls show Americans cooling to the issue.
  5. A spate of opinion polls show the Democrats well ahead of Aso's LDP among voters, though close to 30 percent are still undecided.
  6. While the public has come around to supporting the marriage, opinion polls still show strong opposition to Parker Bowles taking the title of queen.
  7. But the wide use of opinion polls still needs the improvement of relevant systems, such as the transparency of administrative affairs according to Xu.
  8. The result has confounded all opinion polls conducted before yesterday's election which had predicted a comfortable win for Labour.
  9. But the conservative opposition has vowed to review the boundaries if it wins next year's elections - an outcome that opinion polls agree is likely.
  10. But few see any possibility of a credible election challenge to Putin, who has a rating of 70 percent or more in opinion polls.

opinion polls

na. 民意测验
[网络] 民意调查;意见调查;民间测验
opinion polls


advice: 普通用词,侧重依据个人经验、学识和正确判断而提出的忠言。
opinion: 日常用词,泛指对某事物的想法和意见。
progposal: 指正式提出来供研究、采纳或实行的建议。
suggestion: 普通用词,语气比advice婉转客气,也不如proposal正式。着重为改进工作、解决困难等提出的建议,有时含所提建议不一定正确,仅供参考的意味。
recommendation: 指在自己经历的基础上而提出的有益建议、意见或忠告。
view: 侧重指对重大的或引起公众关注的问题所持的看法和态度。

sentiment: 着重指基于情感而非推理所得出的,已经固定了的看法,常用复数形式。
idea: 普通用词,通常指凭感觉和想象所形成的看法或意见。
opinion: 普通用词,使用广泛。多指初步的或缺证据支持因而不十分肯定的意见或看法。
view: 侧重指个人对较广泛或重大问题所持的看法,常用复数形式。