oleaceae是什么意思 oleaceae在线中文翻译


Oleaceae 词典解释

形容词[医] 木犀科

Oleaceae 网络解释

  1. 木犀科
    ...4.2.15 木犀科(Oleaceae) 紫丁香、白丁香、茉莉花、毛丁香、花叶丁香、桂花、丹桂、银桂、四季桂、金桂等. 4.2.16 十字花科(Cruciferae) 莱服、独行菜、白芥子等. 4.2.17 百合科(Liliaceae) 大蒜、洋葱、 渥丹、百合等. 4.2.18 禾本科(Gramineae) 茅香、白茅等....
  2. 木樨科
    ...<<中华人民共和国药典>>2005年版一部收载的连翘为木犀科(Oleaceae)连翘属(Forsythia)...白丁香 木樨科(Oleaceae)学名:Syringa oblata var. affinis Lingelsh.白丁香为紫丁香(Syringa oblata)白色变种,与紫丁香主要区别是叶较小,...
  3. 科:木犀科
    ...域:真核域(Eukarya) 界:植物界(Plantae) 南京大屠刹电影门:被子植物物门(Magnoliophyta) 纲:双子叶植物纲(Magnoliopsida南京主播张小珊资料 目:唇形目(Lamiales) 科:木犀科(Oleaceae) 属:丁香属(Syringa) 简述 丁香花花的简称,...
  4. 水犀科
    ...桑科Moraceae | 水犀科Oleaceae | 山柚子科Opiliaceae...

Oleaceae 双语例句

  1. Coextensive with the family Oleaceae; in some classifications included in the order Gentianales.
  2. Oleaceae oil is the aromatic constituent of a flower from the Oleaceae family obtained through solvent extraction methods. The aim of this experiment is to examine the effects of Oleaceae oil on preadipocyte differentiation and the identification of its active components.
    本实验希望以科学之方法找到具有减肥疗效之精油,所使用的木樨科精油含花朵之精油成分,实验目则是观察木樨科精油抑制 3T3-L1前驱脂肪细胞株分化成为脂肪细胞的能力。
  3. When induced to differentiate in the presence of Oleaceae oil (35-130 mg/ml), 3T3-L1 preadipocytes dose- dependently reduced their ability to accumulate cellular triglycerides. Cytoplasmic triglyceride droplets could also be visualized by microscopic observation. Cells treated with 130 mg/ml Oleaceae oil retained their morphology as spindly fibroblasts, while normal adipocytes take on a rounded shape filled with triglyceride droplets.
    在开始刺激细胞分化的同时,以 35 mg/ml 到 130 mg/ml 不同的木樨科精油浓度处理细胞,为期八天,将分化到第八天的细胞收下来测三酸甘油酯的浓度当作分化程度的指标,结果发现随著木樨科精油浓度的增加,细胞所累积的三酸甘油酯浓度就越低,用显微镜观察即可发现细胞中脂肪油滴所占的比例明显降低。
  4. Pharmacologic Actions; ; Clinical Medicine; ; Chemistry; ; Review Literature as Topic; ; Review; ; Traditional Chinese Drugs; ; Shang Han; ; Fever; ; Common Cold; ; Oleaceae; ; Conjunctivitis
  5. Ait. Oleaceae Jasminum plants, can be used to treat Exogenous fever, abdominal distension diarrhea, abdominal distension diarrhea, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, Chuangdu, insomnia, headache, dental caries, bruises equal sign.
  6. Abstracts:Ash beech borer dies once a year. Its young worms decays drill in oleaceae ash plants of the genus phloem and xylem and makes the tree bark longitudinal crack or collapse and even cause trees death. and wither.
    摘 要:白蜡窄吉丁虫在沈阳地区,主要以幼虫在木樨科梣属树木的韧皮部与木质部间钻蛀危害,使树皮纵裂或崩开,导致树木枯萎死亡。
  7. In the end, we set up 17 families (Ginkgoaceae, Pinaceae, Eucommiaceae, Schisandraceae, Paeoniaceae, Leguminosae, Rutaceae, Polygalaceae, Rhamnaceae, Tiliaceae, Umbelliferae, Oleaceae, Labiatae, Campanulacea, Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Orchidaceae) herbarium information and image digital avenue.
  8. By this method the most of polyhexose could be fast and simply removed, and high quality genomic DNA from the Kudingcha species in oleaceae could be obtained.
  9. The Advance of Studying on Chilling Requirement of Defoliate Fruits Forsythia Suspensa Vahl. belongs to Oleaceae's defoliate shrub.
  10. Flower of Forsythia Suspense is the flower of Oleaceae plant Forsythia Suspense (Thunb.) Vahl, early spring blossoms, quantity is considerable, but its chemical composition was not still clear.
  11. Coextensive with the family oleaceae; in some classifications included in the order gentianales.
  12. Comparative embryology shows the close relationship between Ligustrum and Jasminum and supports the classification that Oleaceae can be divided into three subfamily.
  13. Pollen Morphological Comparison of Three Species of Medicinal Plants of Oleaceae
  14. Some characters indicate that the pollen aperture of genus Osmanthus is on the transitional stage from simple to compound apertures in Oleaceae.
  15. Pollen Morphology of Osmanthus (Oleaceae) in China and Its Systematic Significance
  16. Four types of fruits Fraxinus Linn. (Oleaceae) and its systematic significance
  17. The Pollen of Oleaceae Plants Studied by SEM
  18. Investigations on the species diversity and exploiting situation of the substituting-for-tea plant of Oleaceae in China
  19. Corroboration of 3-carpel ovary of Fraxinus Linn. (oleaceae) and its systematic significance
  20. Forsythia suspensa (Thunb.) Vahl is the fruit from plants of Oleaceae, classified unripe forsythia suspensa and ripe forsythia suspensa, and is the important traditional medicine resource in China.


[医] 木犀科
n trees and shrubs having berries or drupes or capsules as fruits; sometimes placed in the order Oleales: olive; ash; jasmine; privet; lilac