numidia是什么意思 numidia在线中文翻译

Numidia 英 [nju:ˈmidiə] 美 [nuˈmɪdiə, nju-]

Numidia 网络解释

  1. 努米底亚
    ...印度国王送我四支鹦鹉羽毛制成的扇子,努米底亚(Numidia)国王送我一件驼毛外衣. 我还有个透明水晶,那是不准给女人家看见,也不允许未行房的年轻男子所观看的奇物. 在蚌壳细琢的藏物箱里,我有三颗奇妙的土耳其玉石. 戴在额头上,...
  2. 努米底亚-选自古代卷
    ...Numidia 努米底亚 | Numidia努米底亚-选自古代卷 | Numitor 努米托尔-选自李维 穆译本...

Numidia 双语例句

  1. In autumn, 416, 67 bishops from Proconsular Africa assembled in a synod at Carthage, which was presided over by Aurelius, while fifty-nine bishops of the ecclesiastical province of Numidia, to which the See of Hippo, St.
    在秋天,416 ,67岁的主教由proconsular非洲组装在一个主教在迦太基,这是主持由奥里利乌斯,而59主教教会省努米底亚,而看到的河马,圣奥古斯丁的看到属于举行一主教在
  2. The King of the Indies has but even now sent me four fans fashioned from the feathers of parrots, and the King of Numidia a garment of ostrich feathers.
  3. Donatism (311-411) was for a long time paramount in Numidia, and sometimes in other parts.
    Donatism ( 311-411 )是很长一段时间首要的努米底亚,有时在其他地方。
  4. The king of Numidia has sent his subjects, and these men may be a threat to our plans.
  5. Today we face the warriors of Numidia.
  6. In the reign of Hadrian (117? 138), the legion was stationed at Lambaesis in Numidia.
  7. Will certain rebels, in places like Numidia, Illyria, India etc. be much stronger than others to represent the left out factions?
  8. Augustine was born at Thagaste (modern Souk-Ahras, Algeria), a small town in the Roman province of Numidia.
    奥古斯丁出生于thagaste (现代苏格艾-赫拉斯,阿尔及利亚),小城镇在罗马省的努米底亚。

Numidia [nju:'midiә]

n an ancient kingdom (later a Roman province) in North Africa in an area corresponding roughly to present-day Algeria