neptune是什么意思 neptune在线中文翻译

Neptune 英 [ˈneptju:n] 美 [ˈnɛpˌtun, -ˌtjun]

Neptune 词典解释


Neptune 网络解释

  1. 涅普顿
  2. 诺浦敦
  3. 海神
    ...13、纳沃那广场Piazza Navona 34 有冰激凌店 摩尔人喷泉 圣埃格尼斯教堂(Santa Agnese in Agone)海神(Neptune)喷泉;法国大使馆在这里,可以和门口卫兵合影20、卡比多利欧广场 Piazza del Campidoglio 43 广场上有马可.奥里利乌斯(Marcus Aurelius)雕像;...

Neptune 双语例句

  1. While they were dancing Phoebus treated Minerva to salad bowls of negus, and Neptune sat in state among seven or eight women who regaled him with cakes.
  2. It is a gas giant and is larger than Neptune but less massive.
  3. Uranus and Neptune have been missing, in theory, for some time now.
  4. If Jupiter and Neptune are prominent in your chart, the choice is yours.
  5. The opposition of Mars and Neptune can make it hard for you to relate to others emotionally.
  6. You can use this superb help from Neptune and Jupiter for financial gain if you deal in artistic expressions.
  7. This particular endeavor will be vital to your future success, for this full moon will contact Jupiter and Neptune.
  8. A distance between Mars and Sun is nearer compare to the distance between Neptune and Sun.
  9. The wealthy residents of Neptune all live in the prestigious 90909 zip code; the non-rich peons do not.
  10. But now we know that the orbit of Neptune is really not being perturbed at any measurable level, so that originally motivation for a Planet X 150 years ago is gone.
  11. Add the energy of the Sun to this Neptune-Venus conjunction, and you're likely to build your identity based on your ability to be an understanding, sensitive partner.
  12. Occasionally, Pluto's highly elliptic orbit passes inside that of Neptune, making Neptune the furthest planet from the sun during these times.
  13. Neptune is about the quality of the 17 times, and similar twins Uranus for low density, quality is about the earth 14 times.
  14. He had gone there to accept a hecatomb of sheep and oxen, and was enjoying himself at his festival
  15. But the shouts of laughter became uproarious when Neptune came in view, clad in a blouse, a high, bulging workman's cap on his head, lovelocks glued to his temples.
  16. In the middle of all of life`s chaos, there is hope as your old ruler Jupiter, the planet of opportunity and prosperity makes its way closer to your official ruler Neptune.
  17. It orbited around the sun across it paths with Neptune`s.
  18. Collagen, Icy Spring Water, Ocean Mineral Complex, Neptune Seaweed, Arbutin, VB3, HA、GF、γ-PGA, Pure Plant Extract.
  19. Then fell Alcathous son of noble Aesyetes: he was son-in-law to Anchises, having married his eldest daughter Hippodameia who was the darling of her father and mother, and excelled all her generation in beauty, accomplishments, and understanding, wherefore the bravest man in all Troy had taken her to wife- him did Neptune lay low by the hand of Idomeneus, blinding his bright eyes and binding his strong limbs in fetters so that he could neither go back nor to one side, but stood stock still like pillar or lofty tree when Idomeneus struck him with a spear in the middle of his chest.
  20. I`m talking Jupiter conjunct Neptune conjunct Chiron all at once, especially toward the end of the month.

Neptune 单语例句

  1. In a sign that the rebels were not in total control, they failed in a bid to arrest Neptune.
  2. Philippe then said he would arrest Prime Minister Yvon Neptune on corruption charges.
  3. A great white shark swims in Australia's southern ocean off the Neptune Islands next to a diving cage.
  4. It is well beyond the Kuiper Belt, a region of ice and rock just beyond the orbit of Neptune.
  5. It's somewhere between the size of Neptune and three times bigger than Jupiter.
  6. A burly rebel standing next to Philippe urged them to accompany the rebel chief to Neptune's house.

Neptune ['neptju:n]

n. [天] 海王星;海神
n. (Roman mythology) god of the sea; counterpart of Greek Poseidon
n. a giant planet with a ring of ice particles; the 8th planet from the sun is the most remote of the gas giants