neo-platonism是什么意思 neo-platonism在线中文翻译


Neo-Platonism 词典解释


Neo-Platonism 网络解释

  1. 新柏拉图派哲学
    ...Neo-Nazism 新纳粹主义 | Neo-Platonism 新柏拉图派哲学 | Neo-Romanticism 新浪漫主义...
  2. 新柏拉图主义
    ...Necessary 必然 | Neo-Platonism 新柏拉图主义 | Objectivism 客观主义...

Neo-Platonism 双语例句

  1. Others, including Georg Feuerstein, argue that Wilber's Neo-perennial Philosophy is a confusion between concepts of differentiated nondualist doctrines (such as Plotinus's Neo-Platonism and Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita Vedanta) and truly unitary monism of Zen and Advaita Vedanta: the former philosophies distinguish between emanated or manifest reality and the unchangeable source, while for Zen or Advaita the Source and reality are essentially one and the same.
    还有,包括Georg Feuerstein也认为Wilber的新常青理论是不二论者(如普罗提诺的新柏拉图哲学和Ramanuja的Vishishtadvaita吠檀多)和单一论的禅和不二吠檀多的结合:早先的哲学区分了发散显现真实和不变的源头,而禅和不二论认为真相和本质是一致的。
  2. It tried to do for the East what Neo-Platonism tried to do for the West.
  3. Similar things are said of Mithraism and neo-Platonism as against the religion of Jesus Christ.
  4. They are therefore part of an emanationist theory, like that of the kabbalah in the west, or neo-platonism.
  5. In view of the Neo-Platonism on which his doctrines were founded and of his spiritual-allegorical method of explaining the Holy Scripture, he could not side with the millenarians.
  6. Being influenced by he Neo-Platonism of Plotinus, Augustine proposed the theory of order of law.
  7. By the analysis of Plotinus'philosophical originality, we can hold the special skeleton of Christian paradigms in Late Antiquity and its relationship with Neo-Platonism.


n. 新柏拉图派哲学