negative brush是什么意思 negative brush在线中文翻译

negative brush

negative brush 双语例句

  1. The intermittent pulse signal with frequency 20khz is generated by embedded software and then amplified by external power driving and voltage transforming circuit. the output -6kv high voltage is applied to the front end of the carbon fiber brush and negative ions are generated when air goes through the brush.
  2. With his brush, the boxy roofs became puzzle pieces, the arches of the local viaduct a study in the contrast between positive and negative space.
  3. The negative carbon brush damage often occurs in operation.
  4. In Haiwang's recent works, both human and still life or landscape, and attempt to change the subject and content. This may reflect his mood changes perspective, but the picture has not changed is its inherent passion obviously, The core of Haiwang's oil painting is a painting scraper and brush movement, in any of his works, fierce campaign after the knife left at the scene, as the master of painting, The result is a kind of aggressive and negative values, which led to some kind of freedom. no logic chance effect.
  5. The results showed that, during electrical wear process, the contact voltage drop of both positive and negative brushes had the same trend: be stable after first increase, and the contact voltage of negative brush was always bigger than positive brush.
  6. When a flexible negative plate electrode cyclically moves, deposited dust on the plate electrode can be automatically cleaned by a double-face brush.
  7. Dragon Boat Festival every year before, my mother would buy a lot of the street? , both positive and negative to go home after a clean brush, and then a bowl of rice Amoy, moving two, and the father with dumplings package.
  8. The result shows that the nano-particle surface charge is negative and its diameter distribution is more wide in brush plating solution.
  9. This was because the water entrapped in the lubricating film was ionized in the presence of the electric current to generate highly active negative oxygen ions, which led to the oxidation of the positive brush and accelerated its wear.

negative brush

negative brush


plausible: 似是而非的
desirable: 合意的,令人想要的,悦人心意的
negative: 否定的,消极的