movement rest是什么意思 movement rest在线中文翻译

movement rest

movement rest 双语例句

  1. The reason is row frequency in unit time is higher compared to the row frequency in the swimming pool, and twice movement`s connection is more compact, and skeletal muscles has no time to rest.
  2. They are heavy-duty machine tools with all the components described previously and have power drive for all movement except on the compound rest.
  3. It is our belief that Beijing Olympic Torch Relay will open a new chapter in the history of Olympic movement and in the history of friendly cooperation between the 1.3 billion Chinese people and the people from the rest of the world.
  4. The problem for China, though, is that environmentalism is a bottom-up movement in the rest of the world.
  5. May be relatively insufficient nutrition, hope your efforts snacks. 2, the uterus increased oppression of the bladder, causing frequent urination, which is a normal phenomenon after pregnancy. 3, the general pregnant women should be felt after 20 weeks fetal movement, as long as there is no question of fetal heart rate is no different; fetus compared with the mold in terms of your big smaller, moving up, you do not feel is also unknown. 4, rapid heart beat when you should make an ECG, if it is sinus tachycardia, which is physiological and may be caused by fatigue, proper rest.
  6. The engine bed also is equipped with the interconnection, the tool rest auto-feed and the rapid traverse interconnection, the lathe bed both sides skip distance cushion which the hydraulic ressure clamp system, the abnormal cutting traveling schedule stops immediately and so on each kind of safety device, guarantees the operator and the engine bed movement safety.
  7. If, as the doctor described it as a result of irregular fetal movement, fetal movement to rest after a long or short time or other reasons, not to determine the number of fetal movement?
  8. 9Z'_o!B1}0 Content abstract Key word:The lead screw, the light pole, the translation, the toolrest enter gives The apron is transmits the guide screw and the feed rod turns on lathe the transportation to turn becomes the apron the translation and the impetus tool rest enters gives, controls the tool rest movement to put through, the separation and the commutation.
    L4o } p-yl90溜板箱是将丝杠和光杠传来的旋转运动转变为溜板箱的直线运动并带动刀架进给,控制刀架运动的接通、断开和换向。
  9. His wife also went intentionally, old 3 be in wool lavatory crouched a long time to begin to cry, answer him without the person, I outside one aperture sees him how groove, who knows he makes make do not have a person, he goes with the hand buttock of put on the skin, take the hand next look have have a bowel movement, exert all his strength to be swung, who knows his hand is casting the edge in latrine, he affirms at that time is ache is borne hard, he looks at the hand to fill in in mouth immediately, rest to throw painful place then with mouth.
  10. High luminance LED screen facing the snow trails made skiers can see the news on every spots of trails. Being inconvenient in movement or having a rest people can sit comfortable and have a drink in the special old people resting areas. In the floors of restrooms to skiing school there are skid proof rubber bricks. Being skid proof and shock absorption, this measure can settle the inconveniences by wearing the snowshoes for skiers.
  11. The analgesiaeffect was estimated by PCEA consumption volume and visual analogpain scale at rest and with movement at 1, 2, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h after surgery.
    镇痛效果的评估包括了两个方面,PCEA 消耗的容量,疼痛范围视觉模型所测定的术后第1,2,4,12,24,48,72个小在静息以活时的疼痛程度。
  12. This is similar to cracking a whip, where the handle stops and the rest of the whip accelerates and continues beyond it, or similar to a hammer throw, where the body prior to release stops its rotary movement to help the arms accelerate the throw.
  13. The movement of life has its rest in its own music.
  14. There were no differences inthe postoperative IV opioid consumption, and visual analog scalepain scores at rest and movement, or maximal bending and stretchingof the knee joint during the 5 days after surgery.
  15. Because I usually come to the more normal menstruation, and there is no痛痒, so I did not remember the days of each period, but in February last year, I had ectopic pregnancy surgery, so now just take a look at whether the normal menstruation, in July this year found that it did last year, a bit like a little blood, so to go to the hospital, it was found is pregnant, then the diagnosis is: early pregnancy, threatened abortion did not open any drugs, only want me to pay attention to rest, to August 27, I do B-result: the increased visibility of a fetus in utero images biparietal by 2.2CM, we can see movement and the fetal heart throb, amniotic fluid, what what (are not clear about what to write) the largest diameter line 5.7CM, the right side of the annex to see a size 1.8 * 1.6CM cyst anechoic area.
  16. The head rest of the gaze estimation has better accuracy than the situation of head movement. The system can be made for users of different constraints based on different accuracy requirements.
  17. Most of the SOAP resistance movement has coalesced around a technology known as REST.
  18. All dynamic MR imaging at rest and during pelvic strain were used to observe position and movement of pelvic organs and the shape of pelvic floors, and pelvic organ prolapses and pelvic floor pathological changes.
  19. In the results it is also suggested that the rest 90% of the slip potential on the northwestern segment is transformed into the vertical movement of faulted & blocks on the southeastern segment.
  20. The movement, one year and two months long, has finally come to a rest.

movement rest

movement rest


movement: 通常抽象地指有规则的动作或定向运动,特指政治性的运动。
motion: 指不处于静止状态而在移动的过程中,强调运动本身,而不涉及其动因。
move: 着重开始的行动或变化。

balance: 指支取存款的余额或减去各种开支后的尾数。
remainder: 含义较广,可指数学运算中的余数,也指从整体取走或用掉部分后的所余部分,或一群人走掉一部分剩下的人。
remains: 常指人或动物死后的遗体或遗骨,也指古代文明的遗迹或去世作家尚未发表的遗稿。
rest: 最普通用词与定冠词连用,指任何指定数量的人或物等。
surplus: 指超过需要数量之外的剩余。

pause: 指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。
stop: 普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。
break: 非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间接短暂休息。
interval: 指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。
cease: 正式用词,侧重逐渐结呸某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。
recess: 正式用词,指业务活动或工作中短暂的或长时间的休息。
rest: 指统称的休息。

comfort: 通常指在摆脱烦人、痛苦的事情,或在要求、愿望得到满足后所感到的舒适。
ease: 指因没有担心和忧虑而轻松。
leisure: 专指闲暇时间或悠闲状态。
rest: 与work相对,强调水分除身心痛劳,不着重休息方式。
relaxation: 强调消除肌肉疲劳或思想的紧张状态,使身心松弛,得到休息。
relief: 侧重有消除痛苦、不适或困难的负担,常暗含不利因素已不存在的意味。