modal verb是什么意思 modal verb在线中文翻译

modal verb

modal verb 双语例句

  1. Modal verb is a comparatively weak point in Chinese research as well as a hard point to foreign students who learn Chinese as a second language.
  2. Can is an auxiliary verb, a modal auxiliary verb.
    Can 是助动词,也是情态动词。
  3. The main verb of such a sentence must then contain the modal verb would or should
  4. In grammar, English often use general or past the past, and the modal verb would, should, and so to express euphemism meaning.
  5. Note also that the presence of the modal verb would in the main clause should not be taken as a sign that the verb in the if clause must be in the subjunctive, if the content of that clause is not presupposed to be false
    另须注意,在主句中使用情态动词would 并不表明 if 从句中一定使用虚拟语气,因为从句的内容并不一定原先就认为是错误的
  6. The main verb of such a sentence must then contain the modal verb would or should:我们很快就会知道这是否
  7. Review the simple and continuous presents perfect; ● study the use of the modal verb must in the passive.
    下面你先来学习一些将在Activity 12中出现的与废物处理相关的动词。
  8. Teaching and learning English modal verb is one of the most complicated and difficult parts in language teaching.
  9. However, the author is of the opinion that it is necessary not only to regard the sentence pattern as grammatical category of verb s, but also to make a thorough study of the modal system, in which the modal verb is an important linguistic means to express the meaning.
  10. Thus we reclassify Chinese VP ellipsis into three categories and the three categories that we propose in this thesis include: the shi construction, the modal verb construction and the content verb construction.
  11. According to the semantic characteristics, verbs can be classified into action verb, state verb, relation verb and modal verb.
  12. For the hypothesis which is contrary to the past facts & verb used in conditional clause would be the past perfective form, and past perfective modal would be used in matrix clause.
  13. The general rule for verbs in both clauses of hypothetical conditions may be expressed thus: for the hypothesis which is contrary to the present and future facts & verb used in conditional clause would be the past tense, and past modal would be used in matrix clause;
  14. A Model of Word Sense Disambiguation of English Modal Verb May by a Neural Network
  15. " Can " is a modal verb.
  16. Then we further assume that Chinese has two forms of verb phrase ellipsis in coordinate sentences: one is VP ellipsis involving NOC, and the other is vP ellipsis which is supported by the linking verb shi'be'or a modal verb.
  17. In the semantics, the two-syllable overlap action verb is mainly action verbs, verbs of psychological activities, and existential verb, verbs, modal verbs, tend to verbs, verbs and other non-positive can not overlap.
  18. On the Hedging Function of Modal Verb Can
  19. Chapter two: Look back to achievements that former researchers have got, and they mainly are divided into two aspects, study of modal verb in body language study and in teaching Chinese as a second language.
  20. Secondly, most verbs in " Muddled World " are the action verbs and few of them are force-border verb, psychological verb, modal verb, directional verb and other verbs.

modal verb [ˈməʊdl və:b]

[网络] 情态动词;助动词;能愿动词
modal verb