mennonite是什么意思 mennonite在线中文翻译

Mennonite 英 [ˈmenənaɪt] 美 [ˈmɛnəˌnaɪt]

Mennonite 词典解释


Mennonite 网络解释

  1. 孟诺派教徒
    ...研究人员使用每片含有数千个基因片段的基因芯片,结合该研究团队发展的特殊分析软件分析孟诺派教徒(Mennonite)患有先天性巨结肠症(Hirschsprung disease)的儿童以及他的双亲的基因组....
  2. 门诺派
    ...●温克勒的9,106名居民之中,四分之一是移民,它利用本身为门诺派(Mennonite)社区的特点吸引欧洲和南美洲与中美洲的门诺家庭移居该处. 强大的社区支援引发「连锁移民」,使它成为增长最快的社区之一....

Mennonite 双语例句

  1. A cow cares for her newborn calf on a Mennonite farm in Elora, Ontario, Canada.
  2. The Brethren in Christ (founded 1863) was of mixed Pennsylvania German pietist and Mennonite origins, but it also took on Wesleyan perfectionism.
    兄弟在基督里( 1863年创立)的混合宾夕法尼亚德语和虔信基督教门诺会的渊源,但它也承担了卫斯理的完美主义。
  3. The share for the Mennonite itinerant medical team became important and accounted for 11.9% of the outpatient services in the area after intervention.
    介入前介入区之牙科门诊次数为0.17次,对照区为0.28次;介入后介入区增至0 。24次,对照区降至0.23次,已无显著差异。
  4. Each year our program sends 30-35 English teachers to universities in China and hosts 8-10 visiting Chinese English professors at Mennonite colleges in the U. S. and Canada.
  5. By Jacquelyn K. Beals, PhDFebruary 27, 2009 — Researchers have identified a mutation in THAP1 that cosegregates with primary torsion dystonia in affected members of 3 Amish-Mennonite families, according to an article published in the March issue of Nature Genetics. An unrelated THAP1 mutation was found in affected members of a family with no Amish-Mennonite heritage, suggesting that THAP1 plays a role in dystonia across ethnic groups.
    February 27,2009 —根据发表於3月Nature Genetics期刊的一篇文献,研究者已经辨识一种位於THAP1的突变,与三个阿米斯-门诺家族成员之原发性扭转性肌张力障碍共同分离有关;在一名非阿米斯-门诺家族病患发现无关的THAP1突变,认为THAP1在肌张力障碍扮演跨越种族的角色。
  6. If he's from Lancaster County, he's probably a Mennonite.
  7. In the 20th century the largest Mennonite bodies in the US have begun to play a significant role in society at large.
  8. The Mennonite Church in North America is not large, but its history goes back to the Reformation period.
  9. The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining order.
  10. China Educational Exchange is a program of Mennonite churches and colleges in Canada and the U. S.
  11. We are a memeber of the Chinese Mennonite Brethren churches.
  12. The religion, a variety of the Mennonite faith, provides the principal mechanism for maintaining orders.
  13. To make a long story short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends.
  14. If he's from Lancaster county, he's probably a mennonite.
  15. It took root in the Lake Como area of Pasco County in the1940s, when Avery Weaver Brubaker, the son of a Mennonite minister, founded the Florida Athletic and Health Association with his wife.
  16. We are member of the Canadian Conference of Brethren Mennonite Churches located in South Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  17. Joel and Rachel Hoffman, who had been working for the charity Mennonite Central Committee in the country for four months, suffered minor injuries in the earthquake.
  18. He was from the Netherlands, the son of a Mennonite minister, and was drawn to Judaism.
  19. In the20th century the largest Mennonite bodies in the US have begun to play a significant role in society at large.
  20. Among thousands of formed branches that broke away from Roman religiou rules, mennonite peoples is one of the most deserved which belonged to country Christan branches. They lived in nowadays'Switherland, part of Eastern France and South of Germany at that time.

Mennonite ['menәnait]

n. 门诺派教徒
n. a member of an Anabaptist movement in Holland noted for its simplicity of life