mayan是什么意思 mayan在线中文翻译

Mayan 英 ['mɑ:jən] 美 ['mɑ:jən]

Mayan 词典解释


Mayan 网络解释

  1. 玛雅
    ...图为上周出现在英国Silbury Hill 的一个麦田怪圈,他有106.68 米宽,怪圈图案非常漂亮. 有麦田怪圈狂热者称这个新的怪圈可能内含玛雅文化的标记. 一位名叫Karen Alexander 的怪圈研究者称:这一个Silbury Hill 怪圈内的图案与玛雅(Mayan)文化中的日历极为相似,同......
  2. 玛雅人的
    ...Maya 玛雅人 | Mayan 玛雅人的 | maybe 大概...
  3. 马雅语
    ...Mayaguez 马亚圭斯 | Mayan 马雅语 | Maycoustic 隔声用人造石...

Mayan 双语例句

  1. I think I will probably find a vernal equinox or Autumnal Equinox, with a Mayan mother let go.
  2. Mayan calendar, there are two types of solar calendar.
  3. The Mayan Calendar time-science clearly shows that in any one time cycle of 1144 years, there are 13 Lords of Light and 9 Lords of Darkness.
  4. The Mayan Echo wheel represents the last 1144 years and is divided into 22 segments each of 52 years duration.
  5. With the decipherment of the Mayan script, it was discovered that the Maya were one of the few civilizations where artists attached their name to their work.
  6. Graphics and text from the ancient Mayan symbols, language and the juxtaposition of color pictures, and text.
  7. According to the Mayan written records, The Sun the Earth has experienced five
  8. An ancient Mayan city of southern Mexico southeast of Villahermosa.
  9. Humans generated several kinds of hieroglyphical characters, such as the hieroglyphical characters in ancient Egypt and Indians` Mayan characters
  10. He talks engagingly, when the inspiration comes, about the Mayan civilization, feeling that people do not know very much about that fascinating people.
  11. Chocolate in the Aztec and Mayan culture, was thought to be the mysterious and aphrodisiac qualities, the Aztec king is said, a day of chocolate drink 50 Gold Cup, to enhance its capacity.
  12. Apolcalyto is all about the Mayan civilization.
  13. PYRAMID AT CHICHEN ITZA, MEXICO: This step pyramid surmounted by a temple was part of a sacred site in an important Mayan center on Mexico`s Yucatan peninsula.
  14. The aerial roots of strangler fig have damaged ancient Mayan temples in Central America and the temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
  15. One such company is Hungary's Antro, which is developing a car that splits into two smaller cars, and plans to take it/them to market by 2012, assuming the Mayan prophecies fall through.
    这样的公司之一是匈牙利的 Antro 公司。他们正在研发一种可以分成两个较小汽车的汽车,并且计划在 2012 年前把它们带进市场,假设玛雅预言泡汤的话。
  16. The sign of the Suntelia Aion is the sun rising out of the mouth of the ouroboros, which will occur on the solstice December 2012 - which links with the Mayan Calendar as a symbolic date for the clse our our reality - virtual reality program - Quetzalcoatl - and escalating Earth changes in the Ring of Fire.
    Suntelia Aion的标记是太阳从蛇的口中升起来,将会发生在2012年12月的冬至日上——与玛雅历法相连接,与我们的现实有关——虚幻的真实过程——羽蛇神——在火的包围的变化中从地面上逐步升起来
  17. The sign of the Suntelia Aion isthe sun rising out of the mouth of the ouroboros, which will occur onthe solstice December 2012 - which links with the Mayan Calendar as asymbolic date for the clse our our reality - virtual reality program - Quetzalcoatl - and escalating Earth changes in the Ring of Fire.
    Suntelia Aion 的标记是太阳从蛇的口中升起来,将会发生在2012年12月的冬至日上——与玛雅历法相连接,与我们的现实有关——虚幻的真实过程——羽蛇神——在火的包围的变化中从地面上逐步升起来。
  18. For centuries, the Mayan Indians used Allspice to embalm the bodies of important leaders.
  19. Jeff Husrt, a biochemist at the Hershey Company, was asked by archaeologists at the University of Texas to analyze residue they found in 14 Mayan pots unearthed in Belize.
  20. There is an arrow head at the top centre of the Mayan Sacred Tzolkin that represents 1935, when Hitler marched into Poland.

Mayan 单语例句

  1. As floodwaters blocked rescue efforts across Central America, mourning Mayan villagers solemnly laid out the dead.
  2. The Mayan calendar is so complicated it would take a genius to decode.
  3. According to some readings of the Mayan calendar, the world will end on Dec 21.
  4. The other 20 percent were mostly adult men said de Anda, who scuba dives to uncover Mayan jewels and bones.
  5. It is also known as the Mexican Caribbean or the Mayan Riviera.
  6. He said children were often thrown alive to their watery graves to please the Mayan rain god Chaac.
  7. There is also an exhibit on the Mayan civilization in the introduction hall to introduce Mexico's long history to visitors.
  8. But judging from the relentless rise of real estate prices in recent weeks, few took the Mayan prophecy seriously.
  9. Tourists have disappeared from Mayan ruins and rain forests, multilateral lending agencies have blocked the country's access to credit.
  10. At its peak, the Mayan civilization had one of the richest cultures in the Americas.

Mayan ['mɑ:jәn]

n. 玛雅人;玛雅语
adj. 玛雅人的;玛雅语的
n. a member of an American Indian people of Yucatan and Belize and Guatemala who had a culture (which reached its peak between AD 300 and 900) characterized by outstanding architecture and pottery and astronomy