maputo是什么意思 maputo在线中文翻译

Maputo 英 [mæˈputə] 美 [məˈputo]

Maputo 网络解释

  1. 马普托
    ...多哥的洛美(Lome 扎伊尔的马塔迪(Matadi 利比里亚的蒙罗维亚(Monroria加蓬的奥文多(Owendo 刚果的黑角(Point Noine), 加纳的特马(Tema)莫桑比克的贝拉(Beira), 马普托(Maputo 坦桑尼亚的达累斯萨拉姆(Dar es Salaam...
  2. 马布多
    ...到1907年,殖民地政府移至洛伦佐侯爵城(Lourenco Marques,今马布多(Maputo)),20世纪中期,莫桑比克的海上贸易大幅转移到纳卡拉(Nacala)新港--位于非洲大陆更北的海滨....
  3. 莫桑比克 马普托
    ...阿根廷 马德普拉塔(Mar del Plata)港 15巴基斯坦 卡拉奇(Karachi)港 20法国 勒阿弗尔(Le Havre)港 50马来西亚 巴生(Kelang)西港 30菲律宾 马尼拉(Manila)南港 15巴西 桑托斯(Santos)港 25莫桑比克 马普托(Maputo)港 15...
  4. 马普托[莫桑比克]
    ...Manila 马尼拉(菲律宾) | Maputo 马普托(莫桑比克) | Maracaibo 马拉开波(委瑞内拉)...

Maputo 双语例句

  1. Two decades ago I bethink seeing tracer bullets applique the sky as I ate an black meal in Maputo the basic -- from that window now you can now see beaches, a city-limits advancing to activity and a advancing day-tripper industry.
  2. Maputo is the capital and the largest city.
  3. The Maputo stock exchange in Mozambique was set up in1998 with the help of the Lisbon stock exchange.
  4. METHODS AND RESULTS: We screened 2170 randomly selected school children aged 6 to 17 years in Maputo, Mozambique, clinically and by a portable ultrasound system.
  5. The launch took place on Thursday, 23 February 2006, at the Joaquim Chissano Conference Centre in Maputo.
  6. Capital: Maputo; Population-more than 1 m.
    首 都:马普托;人口-100多万
  7. A pan-African ministerial meeting held in March this year in Maputo, Mozambique marked a turning point.
  8. For her charitable work, Nigar has recieved many commendations and honors from organizations such as: Unicef, UNDP, Media Watch Newsleter, Bishtek International School, Kinnard College for Women, International Charity Group Maputo, The Word Festival of Australia, Pan Pacific, and South East Asia Women's Association.
    对于她的慈善工作,她已获得了来自联合国儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署、Media Watch Newsleter、Bishtek国际学校、Kinnard女子学院、马普托国际慈善团、澳大利亚世界节、和平潘以及东南亚女子协会的嘉奖和荣誉。
  9. Waves of gleaners sift the sweepings of Hanoi's streets, just as children pick over the rubbish of Maputo's main tip.
  10. After half an hour, we were back in our four-wheel drive, heading to Maputo, the capital.
  11. U. S. advantage routes: South Africa, East Africa: North Africa: West Africa; fundamental to Hong Kong Island; Adriatic; to the West; to the east; Black Sea Durban/Cape Town /, Elizabeth, East London/Port Louis/Maputo/Pui Latin America/Nagorno-Karabakh°/ Dar es Salaam, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Gaborone Casablanca/Tunis/Algiers /±/ù°/ Benghazi/Khumri Adams/Abidjan/Cotonou/Lome Tema/Taco°/ Apapa/Lagos/angry¤Fontenoy Dib/Praia/than·fundamental to Hong Kong Island; effortlessly Kosto/Hamburg/Bremen.
  12. She is currently married to the former president of the Republic of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, and divides her time between activities in Maputo, Mozambique and South Africa.
  13. The minister was speaking shortly after visiting the Maputo offices of British American Tobacco (BAT).
  14. The national airline struggles to fly the one commercial flight a day to Maputo.
  15. The Chinese Agricultural Technology Research and Transfer Centre is being built on a52-hectare plot near the Umbeluzi Agricultural Station, close to the capital Maputo.
  16. The gleaming, state-of-the art manhi? A health research center near Maputo inmozambique, for example, may seem incongruous with the immediatedisease and misery on its doorstep.
  17. Dutch Embassy in maputo, Mozambique, 2004
  18. Financing of the Maputo Port Project
  19. Maputo, Mozambique, 14 Dec – The private consortium that manages the Mozambican port of Nacala and the railway system in the north of the country, Corredor de Desenvolvimento do Norte, is set to reopen some stations on the railway system on January 12006, which had been closed since the beginning of this year, Maputo daily newspaper Notícias reported Tuesday.
    莫桑比克马普托12月14日电-马普托《新闻日报》周二报道,经营莫纳卡拉港口和北部铁路系统的私人财团Corredor de Desenvolvimento do Norte将于2006年1月1日重新开放铁路系统的一些车站。这些车站在今年年初关闭。

Maputo 单语例句

  1. The 2008 annual meetings will be held next May in Maputo, capital of Mozambique.
  2. Television showed images of bodies buried in the rubble of destroyed houses and of heavily bandaged victims at Maputo's main hospital.
  3. A Maputo resident reacts after a blast at an arms depot in Maputo late on Thursday.

Maputo [mæ'putә]

n. 马普托(莫桑比克首都)
n the capital and largest city of Mozambique