manager of tournament是什么意思 manager of tournament在线中文翻译

manager of tournament

manager of tournament 双语例句

  1. Game uses engine of EA SPORTS football, make a 8 governments field and true pluvial silk, muddy with pond, still have all sorts of sentiments of manager of field edge team, present each corner that gives European soccer tournament realistically.
    游戏采用 EA SPORTS 足球引擎,打造出八座官方球场与真实的雨丝、泥泞与水塘,还有场边球队经理的各种情绪,写实地呈现出欧洲足球锦标赛的每一个角落。
  2. Even before the tournament, Costa Rica manager Jorge Luis Pinto summed up the attitude of his team at being drawn against England and Italy. We love the group, he said. The braver the bull, the better the bullfight.

manager of tournament

manager of tournament