man and wife是什么意思 man and wife在线中文翻译

man and wife 英 [mæn ænd waif] 美 [mæn ənd waɪf]

man and wife 词典解释

形容词夫妻;夫妇;[法] 丈夫和妻子

man and wife 网络解释

  1. 夫妇
    ...Come and go 来去 | Man and wife 夫妇 | Right and left 左右...
  2. 丈夫和妻子
    ...Man and wife! Say man and wife!|丈夫和妻子! 说丈夫和妻子! | Man and wife.|丈夫和妻子 | Escort the bride to the honeymoon suite.|带新娘回新房...
  3. 夫妻
    ...heaven and earth 天地 | man and wife 夫妻 | cause and effect 因果...
  4. 结发夫妻
    ...give sb a tumble和某人打招呼 | Man and wife/结发夫妻 | Sleep in睡懒觉...

man and wife 英英释义

  1. two people who are married to each other
    e.g. his second marriage was happier than the first
    e.g. a married couple without love
    Synonym: marriage married couple

man and wife

na. 夫妇
[网络] 夫妻;男人和妻子;丈夫和妻子
man and wife


a man: 一个男人 
man: 人类, Man will conquer nature.

or: 或者,否则,常用于否定句中 I don't like apples or bananas. Hurry up or you'll miss the bus.
and: 并且,Hurry up and you'll catch the bus.

synthetic: 与artificial近义,但前者强调通过化学作用或化学处理把几种物质复制成与原材料截然不同的新产品。
false: 指因缺失而补上的替代物,有时也指伪装的。
artificial: 指模仿天然材料由人工制造的东西,侧重真伪对比。
man-made: 指完全用人工制造,不含仿造和真伪对比的意味。

humanity: 书面用词,集合名词,多用于文学作品中,作人类解时,侧重有同情心、理解力和崇高品质。
mankind: 集体名词,语体庄重,泛指过去、现在和未来的人类。
man: 指各时代的全体人类。