lydia是什么意思 lydia在线中文翻译


Lydia 词典解释


Lydia 网络解释

  1. 莉迪亚
  2. 吕底亚
    ...坦塔罗斯(Tantalus)-- 吕底亚(Lydia)国王,宙斯的儿子. 有一次为了试探众神的能力,他把自己唯一的儿子杀了并煮成食物让众神品尝,诸神却识破了他的诡计而大怒,坦塔罗斯因此遭到了极严厉的惩罚,他被吊在地狱塔耳塔洛斯的一棵树上,...
  3. 利迪娅
    ...利迪娅(lydia)国王克罗伊斯(Croesus)被公认是当时最富有的人 直到今天 罗曼斯语中仍用 rich as Crosesue 一词来表示一个人极其富有 据说希腊立法者梭伦(solon)去拜访他时 并没有对主人身边的财富和金碧辉煌的事物表示一丝惊讶 也丝毫不赞美这些珍宝的主人 梭伦以集高贵 内敛 诚实 谦逊 简朴 智慧聪明及勇气于一身而闻名 对于...
  4. 莉蒂亚
    ...最年长的一个女人叫做索莉达(Soledad然后是玛丽亚、艾莲娜(Maria Elena),绰号「拉葛达」(La Gorda)(西班牙文胖女人之意),另外三个女人,莉蒂亚(Lydia),罗莎(Rosa),和约瑟芬娜(Josefina)要较为年轻,被称为「小姐妹们」....

Lydia 双语例句

  1. The day of his and Lydia's departure soon came, and Mrs.
  2. Had Lydia's marriage been concluded on the most honourable terms, it was not to be supposed that Mr.
    即使丽迪雅能够 SSBBww 体体面面地结了婚,达西先生也决不会跟这样一家人家攀亲,因为8 Tt t 8。
  3. As soon as all had ate, and the elder ones paid, the carriage was ordered; and, after some contrivance, the whole party, with all their boxes, workbags, and parcels, and the unwelcome addition of Kitty's and Lydia's purchases, were seated in it.
  4. Lydia talked incessantly of lottery tickets, of the fish she had lost and the fish she had won, and Mr.
  5. Lydia: I know what this is, and I'm not doing it.
  6. Lydia: Is it her? You don't know, do you?
  7. Lydia: I have to tell them.
  8. A: I`d like to introduce my wife, Lydia to you.
  9. Lydia: I can be inside of your soul.
  10. Lydia: Yes, I'm ready.
  11. Lydia: I don't care.
  12. What I have to say relates to poor Lydia.
  13. She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia; and, removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid.
  14. She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia; and, removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by properattention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid.
  15. Lydia has over 15 years of technical and management experience in tax and financial accounting.
    吴朱仪文是新加坡最资深的特许公司秘书之一,主理 KCS 在当地的业务。
  16. Has also been believed to be working on the Project Lydia, a $3 million, 1175 horsepower super supercar that is more geared for the track than the touring Veyron.
  17. Even though they've been thrown out of their house and into a yurt, the Davises try to maintain some normalcy.
  18. It turns out that Melody is an apprentice muse who holds the secret key to the diamond castle and embodies the last chance to defeat the selfish muse Lydia and preserve music for the entire world.
  19. The Diamond Castle, Melody explains, is the home of all music, where three musical muses once resided-until one evil muse, Lydia, tried to take the castle for herself.
  20. The Diamond Castle, Melody explains, is the home of all music, where three musical muses once resided-until one evil muse, Lydia, tried to take the castle for hersel f.

Lydia 单语例句

  1. " I certainly think that Lydia has the ability to be world No 1, " said Steele.
  2. She's guardian of Lydia who is in love with an unsuitable young man.
  3. Her students include Baroness Lydia Dunn - executive director of John Swire and Sons Ltd - and senior management staff from the Royal Mail.

Lydia ['lidiә]

n. 吕底亚(小亚细亚西部的富裕古国);莉蒂亚(女子名)
n. an ancient region on the coast of western Asia Minor; a powerful kingdom until conquered by the Persians in 546 BC