level land combine是什么意思 level land combine在线中文翻译

level land combine

level land combine 双语例句

  1. The ground of prepares ground of 1.1 cuttage nursery choice cuttage nursery before 1 cuttage should choose earthy and relief evenness, loose, source of water enough, illumination the loam of good, small acidity sandiness that does not have damage caused by a windstorm and freeze injury, control of height above sea level is under 700m, traffic compares convenient place. Cent of bedding of soil preparation of bedding of 1.2 soil preparation undertakes 2 times, first time is comprehensive soil preparation, soil preparation deepness amounts to 30cm above, combine bedding the 2nd times, 15cm of soil preparation deepness, etc of cleared block, fireweed is sundry, make land as far as possible fine.
  2. Dissolve marsh land, dissolve hole and fall into water investigating of the hole, dark river, water hole and drill a hole a water level observation to the rock according to the open country, combine to connect to experiment, dissolve an aqueous replenishment, path to flow according to the rock to the engineering different position, excrete condition, excrete way and direction carry on divide area argument, basic establishment the reservoir database area rock dissolve growth regulation and groundwater to excrete a way, direction, basic assurance the reservoir database area groundwater take nine dragon rivers as to excrete a direction.
  3. In feature-level case, fully polarization information from SAR is used to combine with spectral characteristic from SPOT images, mainly to enhance land cover classification as well. Speckle noise was removed by Lee filter, followed by the maximum likelihood classifier based on different distribution was used for SAR and SPOT images (Based on Wishart distribution and multivariate Gaussian distribution respectively), to extract the conditional probability of each pixel for each class.
    首先使用李式滤波器滤除全偏极雷达资料杂讯,接下来同样是使用採用最大似然法来分类融合影像,(不同的在於全偏极雷达影像使用Wishart机率分布,在光学影像採用multivariateGaussian机率分布)將每个类别中每个像元属於某个类别的机率值计算出来,再利用Dempster-Shafer evidence theory来结合这些类别的机率值。
  4. By analyzing the vessel types and construction projects of these four projects, particular calculating the expense of foundation establishment and transportion of every project, then comparing with the total expense of each other, finally put forward the optimal project: in the near future, during the phase transportation by the river combine with sea is underway, prefer water-land transfer; at a specified future date, after HangYong Canal having implemented its three level standard, then prefer river combine with sea, and water-land transfer act as complement.

level land combine

level land combine


smooth: 侧重指表面十分平滑,无任何粗糙的感觉。引申作圆滑解。
level: 强调没有高低之处,且在同一水平面,可引申指才能相等或与相邻某物平行。
flat: 指光滑平整的表面,但不一定是水平的。
even: 通常指平面上的各点或一条直线的各点处在同一平面或直线上。

clay: 特指潮湿时发粘,而火烤后变坚硬的泥土。
mud: 指湿土,尤指雨后稀泥、污泥。
dust: 特指土壤干燥后,飞扬于空中的细微泥土。
ground: 通常指大地的表面,也可指土壤、泥土或场地。
land: 含义笼统。指与河流、海洋相对的陆地,也指可耕种的土地。
earth: 多指地表带有水分的泥土,较具体。
dirt: 指地表的干松泥土。
soil: 特指适宜栽种农作物或生长各种植物的泥土。

land: 常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。
state: 正式用词,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。
power: 特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。
nation: 普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。
country: 普通用词,侧重国土与人民。

unite: v.联合,合并,团结,尤指不同的事物或人组成统一体,强调结果的一致性。
 ➤ The nation united against its enemy.  

ally: v.使结盟,使联姻,多与with搭配。
 ➤ Several political parties allied with each other against higher taxes.  

combine: v.联合,化合,混合,多指为了某个目的将不同的人或物混合而成一个整体。
 ➤ The girl combined sugar, butter, and flour to made the dough.  

associate: v.交往,结交;联系,联想。多指平等友好的合作,后接with,表示与某人交往或合作,后接in表示在某个方面合作。
 ➤ We associate with our neighbors at church.  

relate: 指人与人有亲戚或婚烟关系;也指人或物之间尚存的实际或假想的联系。
unite: 指联合、团结、结合在一起,构成一个整体。
connect: 指两事物在某一点上相连接,但彼此又保持独立。
attach: 指把局部连接在整体上,小的接在大的上面,活动的接在固定的上面。
link: 指连环式的连接,或用接合物或其它方式连接,还可指一事物与另一事物的联系或关系。
combine: 指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。
couple: 专指连接两件东西,或把事物成对进行连接。
join: 侧重把原来不相连接的物紧密地连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。
associate: 指人与人友好和平、平等地联合在一起;用于物时,指两事物因历史或其它原因,很自然被人们联系在一起,即产生联想。

mingle: 暗示混合后的各成分仍保持各自的特性,能辨别出来。
merge: 指一种成分被别一种成分吸收或融合,着重成分的个性消失在整体之中。
blend: 一般可与mix和mingle换用。混合与其各成分的性质通常是一致的,侧重混合整体的统一性与和谐性。
combine: 通常用于化学反应中,指化合物等。
mix: 含义广泛,侧重混合的一致性,混合的各成分可能按原样存在,但不一定能辨别出来。

integrate: 使合并,使结合
link: 联系,有关联的
combine: 结合,组合,综合
wove: 编、织