lead strain是什么意思 lead strain在线中文翻译

lead strain

lead strain 双语例句

  1. This work might lead to develop many better methods or means of preventing and controlling dysenteric diarrhea. To elucidate the role of H-NS protein in bacterial physiology, the hns gene insertion and deletion mutants were constructed with RecA and Red recombination system. Then, growth curve and invasion ability of wild strain and deletion mutant were studied.
    为了更深入的了解hns基因在细菌生命活动中所起的作用,我们首先利用RecA重组系统构建了痢疾杆菌2457T hns基因的插入突变体;随后,对基于Red重组系统的痢疾杆菌2457T缺失突变体的构建方法进行了摸索并成功地敲除了hns、hdeA、hdeB、yhiE和yhiF 5个基因,研究表明延长同源臂的长度可以明显提高同源重组的效率,缩短构建缺失突变体所需的时间。
  2. In this test, the two braces in east side buckled in sequence, then the two braces in west buckled after a long time. Large nonlinear strain happened on the local buckling area of the two east braces. Lead to the in-plane buckling braces fractured earlier than the second test of TCBF.
  3. There is only one small midline incision overthe upper neck and the strain on the lead extension occurs onlywith flexion and is minimal with lateral flexion and rotation, which contributes to overall stability of this system.
  4. It is highly recommended to use a strain gage with lead wires attached.
  5. In the tensional situation, peoples strain will be magnify and bring many harms to body, and it also can diminish ability of judgement and rational behavior. Pubic panic may lead to the disorder of society, even to a social crisis, which will be not good for the controlling of PHE.
  6. Having high blood pressure puts a strain on the heart and can lead to coronary heart disease.
  7. Following results have been obtained: a novel method of surface modification of transparent silicon rubber with plasma to adapt it to cell adherence and spread was developed, and a set of elastic matrix cell culture devices based on the method was developed; it is found that MSCs oriented 90 degrees to the applied cyclic strain field and aligned, the reaction of MSCs to the cyclic stretch is related to the loading regimen and aging of MSCs, cyclic strain may lead to differentiation of MSCs.
  8. If the strain exceeds the tolerable limit, the Si-O-Si linkage can break ea si ly at high temperature and lead to the creation of po si tive and negative charges on si licon and oxygen atoms, respectively.
  9. You then can use the measured excitation voltage in the voltage-to-strain conversion to compensate for lead losses.
  10. The increased workload can put a strain on the heart, which can lead to heart abnormalities that are usually first seen as enlarged heart muscle.
  11. Under the premise increasing load carrying capacity with same degree, HFRP could lead a both significant increase of rupture strain and deformation capacity and a notable decrease of strengthening costs; and the stiffness of the HFRP strengthening beams just a little lower than that of CFRP strengthening beams.
  12. According to the results of the comparison, screened and got the strain of the highest lead-resistant.
  13. Set bring number result in lead to give rise to 例: Rapid growth is also giving rise to a host of problems that could strain our social fabric.
  14. If the strain exceeds the tolerable limit, the Si-O-Si linkage can break easily at high temperature and lead to the creation of positive and negative charges on silicon and oxygen atoms, respectively.
  15. As an example, I have recently proposed5231 that water in the presence of finite localized strain within fault gouges may lead to the modification of mineral textures, involving dynamic recrystallization and maybe phase transformations of stable minerals into metastable polymorphs of higher free energy density.
  16. The transverse compressive strain will certainly lead to the relaxation of the longitudinal tensile stress.
  17. Coli and the disruption of pcaH in strain NCIMB 10467 has lead to loss of its ability to catabolize protocatechuate.
    而pcaH在NCIMB 10467菌株中的敲除则使该菌完全丧失了代谢原儿茶酸的能力。
  18. The results show that, the Cu adatom may have an impact on the substrate as deep as 10 layers and will lead to ununiformity of the distribution of surface strain and local pressure.
  19. Plasticine is used in the plane strain experiment and pure lead in the axisymmetric one.
  20. Simulation results indicate that the maximum points of the stress and strain are all in the non-uniform distribution part of the lead-free plastic ball grid array device.

lead strain 单语例句

  1. That can lead to overuse of medications, which put unnecessary economic strain on patients and also abuse the nation's limited healthcare resources.

lead strain

lead strain


guide: 普通用词,可与conduct换用,指引导者与被引导者双方彼此合作,共同努力的关系。
direct: 指为某人指方向,但自己不一定亲自引路,也可表示指导一群人的事或活动。
conduct: 正式用词,指引导某人去某处,强调亲自带领;也强调监督管理一群有共同目的或目标的人。
pilot: 从原义“为飞机、轮船导航”借喻为指亲自带领某人去某处。
lead: 指走在前面给某人引路或带路人共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。

pressure: 在科学上,指单位面积上所受到的压力。用于引申时,指某事物所产生的压力或影响力等。
strain: 指某人为克服外力界压力而造成的身心和情绪等方面的压抑。用于物时,指任何力或合力作用于一个物体上面造成的应变。
stress: 侧重指承受外来的压力,也指由于某种原因而引起的心理、生理或情绪上的紧张。
tension: 多指因关系不好或其它原因而出现的紧张状态,也指某物被过度伸展的程度或状态。